8 week old went from sleeping 3-4 hour stretches to waking every 1-2 hours


New member
We have an 8 week old who we have fully transitioned into the crib about 2 weeks ago. She did well and was still sleeping 3-4 hour stretches. She then begin showing signs of wanting to roll so now we have been taking one arm out of the swaddle. Lots of changes but she still managed to at least get one long stretch. Now the past two nights she has been struggling to stay asleep longer than 45 mins and then not knowing how to go back to sleep obviously since she is only 8 weeks. but it’s a constant cycle all night. She wakes up, we soothe her back to sleep by rubbing her tummy and giving her the pacafier and then she does fall asleep but is back up after another hour. We then typically have been feeding her and then that the cycle repeats.

I know she is still so young but we are exhausted. It feels like the first two weeks all over again especially since she was sleeping decently.

She takes good naps during the day in her crib. usually about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 mins. I never let her sleep longer than 2 hours but typically she doesn’t even go that long. I do lots of activities during wake windows to keep her entertained but she only makes it about an hour max without getting sleepy or fussy.

She eats about 3.5 oz of formula each feeding. I want to up it but she spits up with too much food so we have been just sticking with 3.5.

Anyway, what is going on??? We haven’t switched anything about her bedtime routine or when she is put down. I’m not sure what to do but please give some advice or words of encouragement bc ya girl is tired
@eminenc3 It could be a growth spurt, regression, or developmental leap. It could just be a baby being a baby. Try to remember that she's still very young, and it's a bit early to have reliable patterns of sleep just yet. It changes so much in the first year.

We found taking turns overnight helped us cope on nights like this.
@bowties i get that. I just was wondering if there was a growth spurt or sleep regression since she is now waking every hour again. & we have a mattress in her room that we sleep on while she sleeps in the crib.
@eminenc3 i would chalk it up to her being a literal newborn and not having the brain chemistry to sleep like an adult. sleep isn’t linear, it is fluid and changes constantly. hang in there.
@bowties yeah makes sense. I guess I just have been seeing other parents talk about how their babies are sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and i’m confused how that’s possible 😞😐
@eminenc3 all babies are different & they’re probably lying lol. sleep trained babies often wake during the night and don’t signal for parents because they’ve been taught no one will come for them. just need loosen your expectations. you are your babies universe and biologically she needs your closeness for her development. it’s exhausting, no doubt. my 4 m/o is the same. only 40 min naps no matter what we try and still lots of resettling. i have no tip for you. just want to assure you it’s normal. your baby is still soooo so little and incapable of doing things like an adult like sleeping through the night. she just needs you.