8 week old sleeping more


New member
As stated, my 8 week old (9 weeks on Tuesday) has been sleeping a lot more. He’s a bit fussier when he wakes, the naps can be short burst (30 mins) or longer (2.5 hours) and we’ve noticed it’s a bit more difficult to get him to sleep for naps/bedtime.

Since about 4 weeks, he’s been a really good nighttime sleeper, usually sleeping between 5-8 hours in one go.

Last night he slept 8.5 hours, woke for a feeding and diaper change then slept another hour or so. He woke again, took almost 2oz and fell asleep another hour then ate 3.5oz. Was up 30 mins, slept another hour. I just fed him again and he fell asleep right after a solid burp.

I just went back to work so he was with a babysitter three days this week.

Is it the change in routine? A growth spurt? He doesn’t have a fever and got his vaccines last Friday. He pees like normal but hasn’t pooped since TH (usually poops once every other day).

This is the first time he’s been like this and I’m a little concerned.
@cleoi Could definitely be a growth spurt! Mine will do this for a day or two and then be back to normal. Enjoy the extra sleep :)