8 days post c section pain normal?


New member
Had a c section 8 days ago due to having identical twins.

The nerve pain is still horrific. 2 hours after the op, I had horrendous pain, to the point I was sweating profusely and shaking like I was in -50° temperatures! The doctor didn’t have a clue but said it could be nerve damage from the incision area and then drugged me up to high heaven.

I’ve not really been in pain for the last 6 days but today, it’s back, no where near the same pain, but it’s still enough to take my breath away and bring tears to my eyes. It’s like a hot poker stabbing me in the corner of the wound.

Anyone else have this, any tips or clues as to what it is? All I can put it down to is again, nerve damage. If this is the case, how long does it last? Is this pain normal?

My pain threshold is pretty high so the fact it’s flooring me is a big thing.
@betterbibleteachers Thank you for replying. I thought this also but I’ve had it checked 3 times in the last week and there’s no sign of infection. Almost wish it was as a round of antibiotics alongside an actual reason would have mentally felt better :(
@3dchristianbabe My pain was horrific for 2 weeks and I never thought it would stop (even though I saw a loooot of posts saying people felt better after 2 weeks). I was in tears daily. Literally at about 2 weeks it was soooo much better. I’m definitely not 100% but it was literally night and day. I was always hot but not shaking though.
@3dchristianbabe I compared my pain post op to kidney stones so I'd say those are about an 8 and post surgery I was around there (In tears at times). I felt that "warmth" too when healing and I'm actually at week 8 and wondering why this is taking so darn long when I see people say they were hiking at like two weeks. I think the warm feeling is definitely the nerves. If it's that bad though I'd get it checked out. I hope you feel better soon. C-sections are no joke.
@3dchristianbabe Yup. Me. I had to do streching exercises that would wrsen my pain, but I guess it ended desensitizing the area. I had to embrace the pain. It was gone by 6 weeks but it was debilitating at times. Like having a flame torching your skin from the inside.
@3dchristianbabe My pain would vary week to week. I was definitely still in a lot of pain at 8 days pp. The burning type pain on one side pretty much resolved around week 7 or so for me. My OB said that burning can be a result of the pulling and knot they tie on one side. I’m 12 weeks post op and still have an occasional soreness if I sleep in one position too long but I think this has to do with being overweight and the complications I experienced (ruptured seroma that required a wound vac).
Hopefully you start to feel some relief soon! If you have redness or heat you should reach out to your OB immediately.
@3dchristianbabe I had similar pain and was told by a nurse that the right side of my incision hurt like that because that’s the side the OB worked from. Maybe that’s the case for you as well? If so then it would make sense that side is more intense because of all of the pulling and tugging