8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry


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The last couple days it seems like my 8/9 week old has found a brand new cry that hurts my heart and is more devastating than I have ever heard before. Is that normal? Well… has anyone else had that experience? To be honest, I haven’t really experienced the witching hour or the colic or anything like that with our little baby so this is new territory for me.
@chelxisg yes mine learned a new one around 14 weeks that is just the SADDEST cry… his voice breaks and he does a full pout with tears… kills me. Most of his other crying is like… angry or urgent but this one just sounds saaaad 💔
@gregory53 Ours has started this in the past couple of weeks (8 weeks now) and it’s the most heart wrenching sound and face with the little lower lip pout and quiver! 💔 Sometimes will do it for a few seconds while asleep and somehow that’s even worse! Makes me wonder what kind of dream could make them so sad!
@chelxisg Exactly what happened with ours around that age! She wakes up absolutely screaming from her nap like she hasn't been fed all day.
My partner said she maybe just feels lonely and that makes the cry even more sad..😔
@graceyj Our baby now that if she hears any sudden loud noises, whether it’s an espresso machine at Starbucks or simply a chair squeaking across the floor, she wakes up from her nap, screaming crying, just like that too!! oh boy, so hard to hear such sad cries!!! 💕
@chelxisg 8 weeks and we’re experiencing the same thing with ours. A more urgent cry and her eyes seem like she’s terrified of something, face red and body rigid. The onset is so sudden, like halfway through a diaper change that was otherwise very fine.
@aaronkfwill Yes! Oh my goodness our poor girl looks so terrified and gets absolutely as stiff as a board. I’m so thankful that she can communicate to us that she needs some thing but I am not smart enough to know what that is yet! 😅💕
@chelxisg Ok so I’ve noticed that she clenched her fists SO. TIGHT. with diaper changes now to the point of her hands turning purple and white. I was wondering if she’s unintentionally hurting herself, so I put things in the hands to grip instead and it seems to prevent the super sad scream and body clench. See if something similar is happening for your baby!
@chelxisg Yes!! Sweet guy has some breathing difficulties and had to get a scope put down his nose. He screamed, pouted and had his first real tears. Now that he’s discovered that cry, it comes out often. Then we’re both crying 🤣
@braq Oh my goodness, sweet little guy!! 😔 it’s so hard to hear those cries! Our girl has her two month check up this week not looking forward to the shots and the tears😫

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