72 Days w/o a period

Last period ended Oct 27. I've been tracking my period for about a year and a half and the last time I was this far without one I went 79 days without a period. I did nothing to bring on the onset of it the last time, just sort of panicked and waited. I did notice my breasts were a bit tender if I pushed on them which had never happened before. This time around I've taken 8 tests in between the dates and all came back negative but I'm starting to feel a "heavy" feeling in my abdomen just under my belly button this has also never happened before. My breasts feel fine as well. I won't have the money to go see a doctor for the next two weeks but I'm wondering if I'm really just overthinking and it could be something else. What do you guys think?

I am 5' 2" and around 210lbs with a moderately active job and an ok diet in case that fills in any blanks for anyone. I don't drink and caffeine isn't in my diet either.

Update: I'm not sure if updates notify people who have commented but if anyone ever googles these symptoms and finds this post it is now 1/26/20 and after 93 days my period is finally here! I never got the chance to go to a doctor so I still don't know what exactly caused the dry spell but I believe it was a combination of my weight, a couple new bills in my life, and the start of a new semester.
@luke22_42 No, I've only ever had one women's wellness exam ever in my life at the college I was attending at the time and they only checked my thyroid function, A1C, and did a pap test during the pelvic exam. I ended up having to go back because ironically I had made the apt when I missed a period for the first time in a year and I started the day before my apt. They told me the sample had too much fluid and not enough me-cells to give an accurate reading. All tests came back normal.
@askmorequestions With a long cycle like this, your basically body gets stuck in the follicular phase. You may ovulate and then get a period a couple weeks later or you may not ovulate and will have an anovulatory cycle and then get breakthrough bleeding. Something like temping can be done to help determine ovulation for future cycles so you can know when or if you ovulate. It’s relatively easy to do, you just take your temperature every morning as soon as you wake up and before you get out of bed and then log it into an app.
@askmorequestions Check around for a pregnancy center in your area if you think you could be pregnant. They offer free pregnancy tests and even sonograms if they have the funding for it. Yeah, sometimes they're religion-based but at least you can try to get some answers.
@daphillenium I've found so many threads on so many different websites of other people going through this and it's so stressful because nobody ever comes back to update on their situation. But maybe we can all be here and eventually come back with updates on what's going on.

As for me I still have no period and another test still came back negative so I'm still just waiting.