7 week old nursing for 7-8 minutes at a time?


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Basically as the title says. She’ll be 8 weeks come Thursday. She normally nurses for 10-15 minutes but lately has been nursing for 7-8, sometimes 10 minutes at a time. It freaks me out because I’m not sure if she’s getting enough milk. If I try to nurse her more, she just cries and gets upset. Is it normal to nurse this fast?!

She’s also discovered her hands so my husband and I are getting confused about her hunger cues. She’ll suck on her fingers and I’ll try to offer the boob and she won’t take it. It’s so confusing and I’m wondering if there are other tips to figure out whether she’s hungry.
@dreynosa At around 5-6 weeks my baby went from feeding 4-5 hours a day to 2-3 hours a day. Still 2-4 hours between feeds, but shorter feeds (10 mins rather than 20). I think they just become more efficient.

Are you still getting lots of wet nappies? That’s usually the sign if they are feeding properly.

Mine has also just discovered their hands at 10-11 weeks and it’s so much harder to know if they’re hungry! Before I realised I was trying to feed him constantly. I now put a knuckle on his cheek and if he tries to eat it then he’s usually hungry. I’d love to hear what others do too!
@dreynosa My daughter did the same thing and continues to eat this way. I think she’s just more efficient at eating. She is better at a bottle of pumped milk too.
@dreynosa My baby is 8 weeks (and a few minutes, lol) and same. She pees fine and her weight is great, so I assume she is just more efficent now. It is reassuring to know others are experiencing the same.
@dreynosa Y’all are too stressed! You don’t need to time it or be hyper aware of the hunger cues. If she’s fussy try the boob, if she’s hungry she will eat. If she’s not, she won’t. Look at your baby, is she peeing/pooping? Is she happy/content? Is she getting bigger? That will tell you all you need to know.

And yes they get more efficient at removing milk and go in waves of nursing longer or shorter, more and less. You’ll get used to the roller coaster ride. 🎢