7 week miscarriage :-(


New member
So last week I posted that my wife was told to come back in a week for a second ultrasound because they couldn't see the embryo. She came back and they saw that a certain hormone level hadn't raised like it should so they knew that the embryo didn't take. I was pretty devastated. I'm 47 and she's 4 months shy of turning 41. We will try again
@jef1225 My partner and I miscarried at 7 weeks back in April. We are now 10 week in and healthy! Keep trying mate. Not to negate the loss or dismiss it but it's amazing how common miscarriages are but no one talks about it. Keep taking the prenatal vitamin and try not to stress too much.
@jef1225 I’m sorry for your loss. Take your time to grieve. Talk to each other on how you feel. Try to not suffer interiorly. Share your feelings with your wife she must be devastated and she must know she’s not alone being sad.
I know for sure how it’s crazy difficult to say goodbye to a dreamed future and even more difficult because usually, ppl around, even the closest, do not get it. I wish you lots of courage for both of you to get over the trauma and sadness, and, hopefully, I hope you will have a rainbow baby ASAP. I’m sending you some good vibes and profound sincere sympathy from the other side of the world.
@jef1225 I'm so sorry and am sending you both hugs and healing vibes! I remember your post (I'm the 40 year old who's pregnant with her first and commented on your post). I feel very deeply for you both and wish like hell that things would have been different. I had a 7 week miscarriage at 37 and 39 years old. It's so painful to emotionally endure. Be good to each other and allow yourselves to fully grieve and heal from your loss. May your baby find it's way to your arms 💕
@jef1225 So sorry for your loss. All i can say is keep trying and stay positive. We had miscarriage twice and tried on our third time and guess what..shes on her 33rd week. And also keep in mind that you are both on your 40s im not going to sugar coat this and this is what you need to hear, on your next try pls avoid any negativities like social media browsing of news or an bad stuff , toxic people and all the bad stuff that is happening, anything stress related is a big part of this..always with the happy thoughts.and yumm foods. You got this
@jef1225 Very sorry to hear this. My wife miscarried on Christmas Day of last year, 7 weeks as well. Fast word to today,we are having our rainbow baby and she is 15 weeks. Don’t give up. I know how difficult it can be. As husbands people think it doesn’t affect us but it does, be there for you partner and don’t hold in emotions. And don’t give up. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Sending love to you both.
@jef1225 We miscarried with our first pregnancy at 12 weeks. We thought we were in the clear since we were supposedly past when most of them happen. It totally blows. It really helped us to do a weekend getaway so we could grieve (and let's be honest, drown our sorrows a bit). We're now at 28 weeks with our baby boy. Keep your heads up. It'll happen. So sorry you're going through this.