7 months in and I want to stop already. Only keeping it up for nursing to sleep. N


New member
FTM. LO just turned 7 months old.

I’ve always felt my breast milk was… inadequate. She had a hard time gaining at first, continuously fell asleep nursing. Weight was a concern really up until she started daycare at 3 months old. Even after pumping twice a day at work, my supply is hardly enough for a single 6 oz bottle, and she takes 4-6oz bottles daily at daycare. So once we ran through my tiny stash in the freezer, she switched to one breastmilk bottle and 3 formula bottles. Started gaining weight on this regimen and is now in the 30th percentile.

On the weekends I nurse only and she is visibly thinner by the end of the weekend than during the week when she’s at daycare.

I’m mentally totally okay with stopping breastfeeding at this point, but we still nurse to sleep for naps on the weekend and nurse back to sleep if/when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

I don’t know what my question is. I guess if you nursed to sleep and for whatever reason stopped, how did you do it and how did it go?
@ctlguy I guess that’s the other reason I keep BF — if she wakes up, she only feeds for 6-7 mins before she’s asleep again. So I can be up and back in bed within 20 mins. And bottles take a bit longer with warm up and prep timw 😩