7.5 month old only rolled a few times?


New member
He has rolled a few times but just isn’t interested. If I start to roll him (pull his leg to the side) he will finish out the roll like he knows how but won’t do it willingly or by himself. He has rolled more around 2-3 months than he has between 4-6. He is, however, sitting unassisted, pivoting in tummy time (he does A LOT of tummy time as he enjoys it), he pushes up on his hands, he can kneel & stand, turn himself in circles, will go on all 4’s with assistance, & even go from sitting back into tummy time. Should I be worried? Should I ask for a PT referral if he’s meeting all other milestones? He’s also 6.5 months adjusted as he was 4 weeks early.
@debwater Rolling is a foundational milestone to build the core strength to sit unassisted.

Given that he’s meeting all other gross milestones, I wouldn’t ask for a PT referral. If you’re still concerned, ask your ped what they think.

Sincerely, my now 2-year old caused me nothing but anxiety because he hated rolling and then sat unassisted at 5 months.
@britdanielle92 So given my baby has been sitting unassisted for a while now, since 5.5 months, can I assume he knows & has the strength to roll but just chooses not to?
Thank you so much! Haha. I feel better now
@debwater My daughter is 8 months and has only rolled a handful of times too.

Her doctor isn’t concerned, she said if you have seen them do it she considers the milestone reached.

Some babies just aren’t interested or forget about doing it once they learn something new.

My daughter has been able to sit unassisted since 6 months, can army crawl, loves standing and trying to walk, she just has no interest in rolling.

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