6weeks 0 days


New member
My wife started spotting last night. Very very light, but bright red/pink. It continued a little into today, to even less extent. We called our clinic and they are moving up our ultra sound from this coming Monday, to tomorrow morning. They said spotting is common but we are freaked out now. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Some additional info: we did have sex twice in the last 3 days, and she masturbated to orgasm last night, went to pee then saw the spotting.

@lreno Spotting is very normal in early pregnancy, but bright red is rather concerning. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do but wait and see, which sucks, I know. I’m sorry you’re both going through this worry and stress. Just in case either of you worry, please know that sex or orgasm can NOT cause a miscarriage. It’s possible that an orgasm or sex can cause a little light spotting, though. I wish you both the best and am hoping for a positive outcome for you. 🤞
@lreno Awesome!
Just a heads up.. I spotted every day from 6-8 weeks with my first pregnancy. It was mainly whenever I wiped. Pretty sure it was a SCH. I have a healthy 18 month old from that pregnancy.

Good luck! 💕
@lreno I had a subchoriomic hemorrhage in early pregnancy and was very convinced I miscarried. I bled a LOT. My daughter is now 5 years old.
@lreno Spotting definitely happens. Unfortunately this is how my miscarriage started at 6 weeks. Light bleeding for almost 14 hours that eventually turned into period like blood. I'd for sure guard your heart and if the bleeding continues, go straight to L&D at your hospital (not ER... after multiple losses, I've learned that L&D is better and they have to take you if you have a positive test. You'll get more answers there).

Hang in there, sending love.
@lreno I had the worst back pain and bright red spotting at 6 weeks 1 day. After 2 chemicals previously, I was freaking out. I had an ultrasound that Monday where we saw the heartbeat and the spotting completely spotted. I was a little extra active that day and they found a very small SCH which resolved itself. 15 weeks now and everything is looking healthy so far. I know it’s scary but try to take comfort in the fact that it’s pretty normal
@lreno I did the same thing and had a bunch of brown, then pink, and then a quarter size of bright red. I went to the doctor and it was just my cervix being sensitive from the stimulation.