6 months PP & haven’t lost a single pound!


New member
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, but I am so frustrated and just feeling defeated. I have been exercising 5 day’s a week and in a calorie deficit most days, but I weigh the exact same as I did 1 week PP. I had a c section and healed very well, and started working out as soon as I got cleared. I am no longer nursing and my period has returned. Just wondering if anyone here had similar situations or any input I haven’t thought of
@alwaysreforming hi personal trainer here. the scale isn’t a wise tool to use for weight loss since working out will make you gain muscle which weighs more than fat so keep that in mind when you get discouraged. also under eating more than just a caloric deficit will cause you to not lose weight as your body needs the calories to function. try increasing your water (if you don’t already) also try lifting weights more than doing cardio since the more muscle mass you have the more body fat you’ll burn at rest. don’t give up! it won’t happen over night but you’ll be so glad when you notice your improvements in how your clothes fit and how you feel ! look into counting macros if you have time, it’s helped me lose almost all of the baby weight. good luck 💚
@randywmoore45 Thank you!! I definitely don’t always drink as much water as I should since I stopped pumping and I mostly run so I’m going to try adding in some strength workouts! I will look into counting macros and hopefully I start to see some more improvements! I know I definitely don’t look like I did 2 weeks PP but I’m not continuing to see any improvements but I’m probably just obsessing over it too much!
@alwaysreforming What TYPE of calories are you consuming? I found when I took all the process carbs out of the house including bread, mywape dropped so incredibly fast. Just eating proteins fat fruits and veggies plus some low-fat Dairy. For a lot of people, the processed stuff really keeps the pounds on
@alwaysreforming Is this your 1st baby? I lost the initial baby weight (like 25lbs) within a month after my 1st but not the extra 25lbs, I put on 50 total. I wasn't working out as much but I have a very physical job, climbing ladders and carrying half my body weight up them! So I felt like I should have lost at least another 10-15 by the one year mark just being out on the job everyday, didn't happen. After my current baby, also 6 moths old, I started working out at 12 weeks pp 5-7 times a week and joined weight watchers. The diet helped me shed the excess weight to the point where I was able to work out at an intensity that would really burn calories. I suggest checking out WW or noom, I would've used that but I'm still breastfeeding and WW seemed like a better fit. I know you said you're in a caloric deficit most days so you're probably doing CICO. That worked for me pre baby but not post partum. I also had c sections and didn't start working out until after physical therapy for diastasis recti. Good Luck!!!
@blessingsloveandlight Yes this is my first! I dropped like 25 lbs within the first 2 weeks as well! Now I have 25-30 that just will not budge. Its so frustrating because everyone told me I’d got breastfeed or pump the weight will fall off! And I’m still waiting hahaha. I’ve heard really good things about WW! I’m definitely open to trying something else since CICO isn’t working! Thank you for your advice and I hope you and your babies are well ❤️
@triathlons I can totally relate! I had about 5-10 lbs of winter weight on when I found out I was pregnant. I had a lot of oversupply problems which was good for creating a milk stash but I felt that was why I couldn’t lose it! So it’s frustrating when I stopped and nothing changed. I have heard of a lot of women holding onto weight until they stopped EP or BF, so I hope that’s the case for you! A few people have mentioned getting my thyroid checked so I’m going to see my doctor tomorrow!
@alwaysreforming Well, I already have hashimotos (autoimmune hypothyroidism) I had my antibodies checked, all of my numbers, ferritin , iron etc. everything seems to be fine and I had my meds adjusted to help with my slight elevation of T3. I’m now wondering about high levels of prolactin. I go see my OBGYN for 6 month PP appointment. So, we’ll see.