6-8 Week Hell

@beaconofhope Thank you for your words of encouragement! They give me hope we are one day closer to “better”. We ended up getting a SNOO on FB Marketplace and while it lulls him to sleep, I think he doesn’t like the constant rocking motion, so will try weaning mode heheh. We have done shifts as well to at least get some consolidated rest ourselves.
@trusted489 I vividly remember how horrendous I felt in those early weeks and it would enrage me when I read things like “it gets better” because it seemed so hard to believe at the time when we were in the thick of it. It is true though. The newborn phase absolutely sucks and it isn’t talked about enough. I did a lot of contact naps and even let him sleep in the cuddle me supervised. He actually napped well in it because it was obviously more comfortable than a hard uncomfortable flat surface bassinet. I hope the clouds start to part for you soon and he gets a bit more predictable and you can start to get some rest. You’re almost there!
@trusted489 Oh dear- I’ve just joined this sub reddit and reading your post as my 6week old has been fighting sleep for 7hours. It’s now midnight and it seems like she’s finally asleep due to sheer exhaustion. I am at my wit’s end. Lord help me if this keeps going for two more weeks
@stargazzer My heart goes out to you! Please know that every day and night will look a little or a lot different for your LO. We’re coming up on week 9 (he makes 2 months officially today), and while he sleeps longer stretches at night, the length and duration changes daily, and when those longer stretches begin are also erratic (sometimes at 5, sometimes, 7, sometimes, 9-10) lol. Also his daytime naps are still mostly crap independent but fine/okay contact.
@ivanilmatto Hey! This lasted till about week 9. Afterwards night sleep got better. He still gets up every 2-3 hours most nights. Some nights he gives us almost a 5 hour stretch and others he gets up every hour lol. It’s been wild but rolling with it! He turns 3 months next week :)
@trusted489 my baby is 7 weeks. she only contact naps during the day, we’re lucky to get a 20 minute bassinet nap. but she has been sleeping for long stretches at night. it gets better 👍🏻
@trusted489 we’ve been doing that as well, we’re making sure she naps and trying to get her in a routine with the lights being off, her sound machine on, and her sleep sack that it’s time for bed. its been working
@bobaganoosh Nap and bedtime routines have definitely cued to our LO it’s time to sleep but it’s the damn ww timing that we can’t seem to get right if he gets up after one cycle. This close to getting the Huckleberry Plus app to help with that for naps.
@trusted489 Almost 7 months here. Co slept around week 4 and it saved our lives. Slowly transitioning now to crib and it’s going just fine. Do what you have to do. Also some gripe water and probiotic drops helped.
@trusted489 What worked for us in that phase was using a heating pad to warm up the bassinet before the transfer so she wasn’t shocked with the change in body temperature, halo swaddle (basically a Velcro swaddle), white noise, shusher / shushing. Prior to putting her down we did hold her and walked for a few and rocked for a few.
@findchurch He definitely gives our arms a break at night 3-4 hours at a time to feed. Sometimes he gets up hourly but if I pop a pacifier in his mouth and it hasn’t been 4 hours since his last feed he goes right back to sleep. Also it seems he sleeps in longer stretches after 8:30pm so that’s a sense of normalcy for us. I have accepted that until he’s developmentally ready, we won’t have a full night of sleep lol.
@dlmoodyfan Yes, yes, and yes. He has gotten gassier since we moved exclusively to formula (prior was combo feeding) in the last week. In his active sleep he often thrashes his head and I feel like that wakes him up 🥲.

We’ve continued to do gas drops and probiotics on top of the other things to help a gassy baby since he was 4 weeks. I’ve reached out to his ped too. Manifesting this is just a phase and that it will get better 🥹.