6-7 DPO - cramping and I feel like I’m out

I’ve had mild cramping all day, at 6-7DPO, I think. I’m 8 days past my positive OPK. AF is due in 8-9 days, so this is a little early for PMS to start but I’m sure that’s all this is. I’m just really frustrated and feel like I’m out this month for some reason. I’ve never had cramping this early in my cycle, usually it’s 5 days before AF. I’m just frustrated and feel like it’ll never happen for me. It’s hard to feel like after a year + it’s not happening
@concernedhusband123 I am only on my second month of trying. I’ve heard that so many women convince themselves that they are pregnant because of ambiguous symptoms that could either be period or pregnancy. I have chosen to not test until my period is late because I don’t want to get my hopes up and I don’t want to be obsessively testing. That would bring me too much stress and anxiety. I am going to assume I am not pregnant until proven otherwise. That being said, this is what feels good to me but it may not for you. Whatever works for you and feels right for you, is what you should do! Good luck!
@concernedhusband123 You can test as early as 6 days before your period, but the accuracy is quite low (although a positive is always accurate - just false negatives are more common)

Edit: must be a specific early pregnancy test - digital ones will give a clear yes or no
@concernedhusband123 Unless you have a particularly short luteal phase, I wouldn’t assume you are out! Data seems to indicate that most of the time, implantation doesn’t even happen until closer to something like 9 DPO. Stay positive!

If it helps, I’m right there with you at 6 DPO. I’m trying not to symptom spot because I had significant cramping around this time last month and was certain it had to be implantation because I never had felt such strong cramping during TWW like that before. Then I woke up with the stomach flu :/

Our bodies really suck sometimes.
@concernedhusband123 Too early too be "out". Cramping can happen for so many reasons (pregnancy-related or not). I'm experiencing the same thing at 8DPO which is unusual for me, but I've been a bit sick lately with a sore throat and cold so I think my body is just out of whack. Cycles can also vary symptom-wise for many factors that go unexplained.
I should also add that I'm also already feeling "out" for no good reason, even though statistically I know I'm not yet.
Can I ask, how long did your cramps last? I've had them for around 3 days know so thinking they may not be implantation cramps