5 months out - Progress update & my approach


New member
Hi everyone! I have officially been a mom for 5 months now, and it has been quite the journey. I wanted to give a quick update about where I'm at, and also give you an overview of the approach I took to get here.

UDPDATE: As I said, I'm 5 months out, and I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. I hit my pre-pregnancy weight at about 2 months PP....but don't let that fool you (details below). I'm finally feeling like my body is beginning to be fully-functional again, and I'm emotionally in a great place.

HOW I GOT HERE: My whole approach has been guided by thinking about myself as an athlete recovering after a seriously bad injury. My focus was healing, health, and functionality, NOT weight, image, etc. That's important. I have been a weight-lifter and runner for quite some time, and by thinking about myself as a recovering athlete, I was able to keep my mind focused on HEALING not on IMAGE.

Weeks 0 - 8: Acute injury recovery. These weeks were all about being nice to myself physically and mentally. I DID NOT diet, exercise, or worry about anything other than being as "nice" to myself as possible. I slept as much as possible, drank water, ate when I was hungry, and hopped on anti-depressants when my PPA kicked in (details for another post, but if you PM me, I'd be happy to chat about that too).

I also had a body composition test during this time & determined that, although my weight was back to where it was pre-preg, my daughter had eaten THREE POUNDS of muscle during my pregnancy. That means I had made up for that 3 pounds of muscle with 3 pounds of fat. No wonder why my body felt weak, my butt was deflated, and my clothes felt loose. My muscles had atrophied!

Weeks 8-10: Body weight exercises & PT. I began doing body weight work (squats, stairs, etc). I also noticed that I still had some issues with my abs. Still very separated, sore, weak, etc. I visited my wonderful friend who is an amazing PT, and I began a series of core exercises to help heal my abs. Again, my focus was on healing and functionality, NOT on "losing my mummy tummy," "getting a flat belly fast," or "getting six-pack abs." The only diet change I made was to amp up the amount of protein I was eating. I did NOT restrict calories, but the calories I did choose were slanted toward protein-rich foods (hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken breast, protein shakes, etc).

Weeks 10-18ish: With my doctor's blessing, I began adding weight (squats, deadlifts, rows, etc), keeping in mind that I was still rehabbing my abs. The only core exercises I did were PT exercises. Nothing traditional (no crunches, planks, etc). I noticed that I was very weak and that my accessory muscles were not helping me lift appropriately. Because of this, I kept the amount I was lifting relatively low to stay safe & avoid injury.

Weeks 18+: I'm finally feeling tight and strong again, for the most part. I've begun loading the bar so that it feels heavy again, allowing myself to add weight as I am able, and I have only now begun traditional ab exercises. My butt looks less deflated (thanks to all of the squats, deads, etc), and my clothes are snug in places where my muscles should make them feel snug.

So, that's that. Again, the approach I took was to focus on healing and recovering functionality, I figured the "looking better naked" part would follow, and it has. I'd be happy to answer questions either in comments or PMs. I'm a HYOOOOOOGE believer in the power of lifting weights to build muscle, and I'm an open book.
@tke129 What sports bra are you wearing? That's my biggest problem right now. The bouncing struggle is real as well as the too-tight compression that causes engorgement.
@de I stopped BFing a little while back, but when I was BFing, I bought a size up at Target. I only bought 2, so I was doing laundry more often, but really, I was doing that anyway. Most of what I have been doing is weightlifting, so bouncing isn't as problematic.
@tke129 Thanks for posting. I'm 11 days PP right now and while the weight has been falling off, I can definitely tell that my muscles have diminished. Looking forward to building back up in a few weeks.

Would you mind sharing some of the ab work that your PT has you doing?
@katrina2017 Sure thing! Here are 3 that really helped me:

1) Core breathing. Breath in & simultaneously relax your entire core & pelvic floor. You should see your stomach inflate and feel your pelvic floor drop. Then, breath out & simultaneously pull your belly button toward your spine and pull your pelvic floor up. Everything should tighten in. Practice this laying down, then move to sitting up, then standing, then walking (progressively gets harder).

2) Lay on your back & put your feet flat on the floor about a foot from your butt. Tighten your core & bring your belly button in toward your spine. Slooooooowly march your feet (lift left foot & put it down, lift right foot & put it down), WITHOUT letting your pelvis move. As you get stronger, move your feet further and further from your butt until your legs are straight.

3) Sit upright on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Tighten your core & bring your belly button in toward your spine. Slooooowly lean back as far as you can without losing good form in your core. Once you max out (it might only be a few inches), use your hands to push yourself back upright & repeat.

I hope these made sense. 11 days is so early. Give your body some love and let it do it's thing for a bit. Make sure your abs have healed before you start to work on them. Good luck!
@tke129 I had a ton of abdominal separation that I saw a PT for. It's slowly coming back together at almost 4mo pp, but still not fully together.

How much separation did you have? Did you wait until you had fully knitted back together before you started regular stomach exercises?
@katrina2017 Ugh, it's the pits. I had a bit over a finger of separation, but the DEPTH was insane. I could stick nearly my whole hand into my abdomen. I pretty much waited until things healed before starting regular core exercises. I was so afraid of doing permanent damage, especially because I likely have another pregnancy to get through in the future. Good luck to you!

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