5 days late


New member
Hi guys I’m freaking out can someone give me some insight.
So for the past 4 months my period has consistently been coming every 28 days on every second Thursday of the month. My last period was 5/8, flo predicted that my period would come 28 days after that which would’ve been 6/6. My period is now 5 days late. I had unprotected sex 5/25 and 5/26, no accidents had occurred at all. I didn’t take a plan B and I’m not on birth control but I’m 100% sure he didn’t ejaculate in me. I’ve been taking pregnancy test since Friday and all negative I even went to planned parenthood to get tested and it was negative she didn’t even see a faint line. 5/26 was 16 days ago is the pregnancy test accurate enough?? Or should I test again. I’m never really this late on my cycle either so 5 days it’s a lot but I also realized I’m not at the 2nd Thursday of the month yet. Should I be freaking out? Or do I not have much to worry about?🙁
@loveandjoy Tests are accurate from 14 days after sex, so you can trust your negative at 16 days.

Pull out method is 78% over the course of a year with typical use, if you do not want to be pregnant then you should consider using a more reliable contraceptive method - about 20 couples a year get pregnant using just pull out.

Your app is not an accurate way to track cycles, it is a guess based on the averages of your previos cycles but cycles don't work like that - you're regular until you're not and cannot rely on past cycles to predict future ones.
@loveandjoy Hi, have you had any other symptoms besides a late period like brown discharge, cramping, or even light bleeds? I’m going through a similar situation although I have these symptoms and I’m 2 days late on my period. I’m bleeding pretty light since this morning which is not normal for me, I get heavy periods. I’m scared it might be the light bleeding some women get in early pregnancy
@loveandjoy Ahh see that’s how it first happened to me. My cycle is a bit later than yours. My last period started 5/13, my app predicted I’d ovulate 5/27 and I had sex that whole week. Last Friday was when my cramps started pretty light and I had this thick light brown discharge, best way to describe it was refried beans. And i continued having cramps and the discharge got darker. I’ve been light bleeding bright red since Tuesday night with severe cramping. But because it’s not a consistent flow that I’m used to, I’m sceptacle on whether this is my period or “implantation bleeding”. I took a test today and came out NOT pregnant but it might still be too early for me. Let’s keep each other updated
@loveandjoy Hello, my light bleeding is starting to go away, earlier it was so little that the spots when I’d wipe after peeing was pee from mixing together. But this morning I took another test with fresh full night pee and it was 100% negative. But it’s only been 2 weeks since I had sex so it might still be too early for me. I also had diarrhea the last few mornings as a symptom. Lately I feel fatigued but on an antibiotic so I think it’s from that. Sunday I’ll take another test since it will make exactly a week since my expected period. I don’t count the bleeding that I had as a period because it’s pretty much only lasted 2 days. I’m afraid I might actually be pregnant because I’ve seen stories that women have lightly bled during pregnancy. I don’t have any other symptoms though such as nausea, sore breasts, etc. just cramping, fatigue, light headache from time to time
@warrenv I’ve taken 5 pregnancy test so far eve one at planned parenthood and all are negative but I’m still freaked out, it’s been 17 days since “possible conception” and they say it’s accurate after 14 days but I’m so scared to trust it
@loveandjoy Hi! That’s great to hear. I’m taking another test tomorrow at 18 days post ovulation with fresh pee just to be extra sure for myself. I’m glad it turned out well for you :)