4 negative tests, period a little over a week late??? help


New member
im 21, 5'1 and ~90lbs & my bf is 21, 5'10 and ~120lbs (bc i know age and bmi affect this stuff idk im just really worried)??
last period started 03/02, but we didnt Do Anything until 03/14 and we used a condom and he didnt even finish anyway, but the possibility i was ovulating around that time isnt 0%. i took a test last week on thursday, and another one on wednesday the week after. both were negative. i went to a womens center and got 2 tests there and they said it was absolutely negative, but im still worried? could it be too early to test accurately? i will be scheduling a physical soon, but im worried ill just sound paranoid,, im reading it back and yeah i sound a little paranoid? id just like someone with more experience to give some advice, since this is my first ever scare
edit: can someone at least tell me im being paranoid or smth :D !!!!!!

Update: got a blood pregnancy test, idk if its still too early to be able to detect the hcg in my blood but every doctor ive told that ive done 4 (now 5, as of this morning) urine tests and theyve been negative has been like "so why r u worried" but idk im still really fucking worried and lowkey scared over this i think im fine but yeah
Update pt 2: got the results for the blood test and it was negative!!! im feeling a little better and trying not to think abt it, im really hoping i get my period soon because I Am Still Paranoid!! but thanks for all the help here, im gonna take another test and drink til i pass out this weekend to celebrate
@lindaloo33 I’m not sure what you mean about age and bmi affecting this? If you mean it terms of period irregularity, if you have a low bmi you may not ovulate successfully.
If he was wearing a condom and he didn’t ejaculate it’s nearly impossible for you to get pregnant.
@anaperez yeah its about that idk im like over reaserching i think,, but yeah thats what i was thinking too bc condoms are already pretty affective but idk im just worried i think
@lindaloo33 You would be 6 weeks along if you conceived 3/14. Pregnancy dating goes by your last menstrual period or you add 2 weeks to your conception date. There is 0% change you are pregnant.
@ocdlifeline even if 3/14 was my first time ever?? there was no chance i was pregnant before that day since i never had sex before that,, i see actually i think im getting it?
@lindaloo33 It doesn’t matter when your first time ever is. If you were pregnant, you would be 6 weeks along. That’s just how pregnancy dating works. You are absolutely not pregnant. A blood test 4 weeks after sex is about as definitive as it gets. If you are having these thoughts when it is has been proven by medical professionals that you are not pregnant, you may want to look into talking to someone (possibly the women’s center would have resources?).

Have you read the resources on here as to why periods are late? Automod
@ocdlifeline yeahh i got a ton of info from the womens center, ive looked at some of the stuff but i havent had much time with work,. but yeah if my periods still late im just going to the doctor bc something else is definitely wrong by next week or so
@ocdlifeline yeahh i got a ton of info from the womens center, ive looked at some of the stuff but i havent had much time with work,. but yeah if my periods still late im just going to the doctor bc something else is definitely wrong by next week or so