4-6 month daily routine w twins


New member
Thinking ahead, what's a normal daily routine for those staying home with 4-6 month old twins? Mine are 1 month and I want to know what to expect in the coming months as they become more alert and active. For those breastfeeding/pumping, what does that schedule look like?
@warriorsaint86 Mine are 6 months.
6:30am : wake up/diaper change
6:40am -7am: twin z pillow time and baby bum on Netflix with pacifiers while mom wash’s night time bottles and drinks her coffee.
7am: bottles 5-7oz.
7:30am: breakfast, usually 3-4 tablespoons of fruit and rice cereal.
8am - 9am: mat time (rolling, crawling, drooling) 9am-11am: nap time
11:00am: diaper change/ bottles 5-7oz
11:45am: Afternoon walk or if it’s rainy more mat time or exersaucer/play gym things.
1pm-2pm: nap time
2pm: mat time
3pm: bottles 5-7oz
3:30pm: bath time
4:00pm: nap time
4:30pm: diaper change
4:30-5:00pm: twin z pillow pacifiers and baby bum So mom can eat dinner
5:00pm: mat time
5:30pm: dinner usually oatmeal and a veggie 3-4 tablespoons
6:00pm: book time with mom or dad
6:30pm: diaper change/sleep sacks/songs
7:00pm: bottles 5-7oz/a quick rock and down to bed
11:00pm: diaper change/ bottles 5-7oz
11-6am: they could be having a blow out crib party for all mom knows because she’s dead to the world.
@warriorsaint86 Mine are 4 months. They sleep until about 7am, then we do wake times of 1hr, 1.25, 1.25, 1.5, 1.5. We let them nap as long as they can and follow eat/play/sleep. They’re exclusively breastfed (I truly did not think I’d be able to get my supply up to where it is, good lord it’s been so much work) and they still need to eat about every 2-2.5 hours during the day. On days when I work I pump every 2 hours.

We do our best to do chores while they’re napping. We make sure they get plenty of tummy time with their play. Then bedtime routine starts at 6:30, they’re usually asleep by 7. They’re eating twice overnight, at 1ish and 4ish.
@warriorsaint86 Speaking for my wife, pumping on a schedule works better for her when she's at work. When she's home with the girls, she hardly has time to even use the bathroom. Our girls are 6 months, eating 3 times a day with puree food and drinking 4-5oz every 4-5 hours. As far as activities, they mostly try to crawl (unsuccessfully) and drool (teething) all over the place.
@warriorsaint86 5 1/2 months, have not started solids yet. I pump 7x a day. 6:30 wake up 5.5oz bottle 7:00 gym (play mat) time. 8:30 5.5pz bottle then nap. 10:30 wake up, either walk or gym time. 11:30 another bottle then gym time/walk. 2:30 bottle then nap #2. 4:00-4:30 wake up. 5:00p bottle then gym again. Bedtime at 7.