30 Week Pregnancy Bump


New member
In some need of words of advice or encouragement to say the least.

Currently 30 weeks pregnant and constantly feeling discouraged about the size of my belly.
I try not to let it bother me too much because im beyond thankful and grateful that I’m able to carry a baby, but some days it’s really hard not to get caught up in my head thinking about how I’d look if I wasn’t plus size.
I’m 5’7, 295 (ish) pre pregnant weight, I carry most my weight in my belly and my hips and have a very long torso. I’ve always been super insecure about my body pre pregnancy, so I knew this was going to happen going into pregnancy.

I always see other pregnant moms and they have the cutest roundest bump while I’m 7 months pregnant and just “still look fat”
I have a baby bump that I am starting to notice- but to others, definitely not. I still have a B-belly, still have an apron on the bottom of my belly, and I’m sitting here wondering “when will I get my round baby belly?” “When will people actually notice I’m pregnant?”

We’re planning maternity pictures and every single dress I’ve tried on almost makes me want to just not get them done since I’m so unhappy with how different I look pregnant than everybody else, but I know I’ll regret not having those pictures later in life.
@shiningstar89 Over the belly maternity underwear have helped my belly round out tremendously. Especially when I’m wearing over the belly maternity leggings.

ETA I am 31 weeks but I have a short torso so I’ve been bumpin for awhile.
@bigrijoe I’ll definitely have to start looking into buying some soon. I swear my torso takes up most of my body and it’s always drove me crazy. All dresses show my booty cheeks and every pair of pants I gotta roll up because my legs are too short 😭
@shiningstar89 I have no advice, just here to commiserate. 5’6” and ~290 lbs. Currently 27 weeks and while the bump is obvious to those close to me, to strangers I just look fatter.

I understood early that I may never look obviously pregnant. And I have mostly felt fine about that. But it’s a bit disheartening when I realize I won’t get the “special treatment” an average-sized pregnant woman gets (ex: someone giving up their seat for me in a crowded airport terminal).

It’s just the nature of being fat. We know that. But it’s also ok to be a little bummed out by it. And it helps to know there are others out there feeling the same way.

Sending my love. We’ll forget all about this when we’re holding our babies. I find some comfort in that realization. ❤️
@iamnobody58 I’ve tried the support bands that are more for back/hip support and found those extremely uncomfortable since having an apron belly, it pinches my skin pretty bad or feel like it’s squishing the baby. I’m definitely going to be looking into a pair of maternity underwear/Shapewear
@shiningstar89 Wearing form-fitting actual maternity clothing, including undergarments, rounds out my belly and I look pregnant. Sometimes if I wear "normal" clothes it doesn't enhance the bump enough for others to tell that it's a baby belly. At 36 weeks though I finally have a "beach ball" that is unmistakeable.
@dee_marie Yes, I'm at 32 as well and just barely starting to pop. I'm 5'1" and started out around 195, now about 210.

I've not once had a stranger comment on it, with either this pregnancy or the previous one. This makes me a touch sad if I'm honest
@shiningstar89 I just turned 33 weeks today, and it took until 31 weeks before you could actually tell I was pregnant and not just fat. I've noticed if I wear tighter clothes it shows off my baby bump more

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