3 year old hates learning abc’s

@jonlv Check out busy toddler on Instagram. She has a fun of ABC related games/activities that help kids learn them without it feeling like they’re learning, just playing!
@jonlv Mine is also born at the end of the year and will be starting in September (Ontario).

JK and SK are play-based programs. There isn’t an academic focus until grade 1. They will learn their ABCs as the other kids do. There’s a wide range on picking up reading skills (3-7).

If you’re really worried, make it play based. You can try getting a puzzle or a book (Jane Foster has a really nice ABC book). Don’t do the flash cards if they aren’t enjoying it.
@jonlv My mum is a ECE and my sister is a teacher. They both said that kids born at the end of the year have a harder time but catch up by grade 2.

There’s a whole year between the kids born in January and those born in December. Those checklists are assuming that the kid is 4 going on 5.

Also, your little one might just decide that they want to learn their ABCs next week because preschoolers are like that…
@jonlv Only thing the kid needs to be prepared for in that stage is potty training and not biting other kids lol. Dont worry too much, all will come with time.

For my kid we just got a fridge magnet that sang the abcs, and every time she hit it we would sing. Over, and over, and over, and over.... I was over it before she was
@jonlv My 2 year old went through a phase of watching ABC videos on YouTube. The cheaper and more shoddy the animation the better.

There's loads of cheaply animated cartoons that just go through the alphabet. I'm not familiar with any animation software packages but you can just tell they use all the built-in stock effects and sounds.

But now she knows he ABCs really well, but I've had to correct 'zee' in favour of 'zed'
@clint1981 Mine must have watched some British alphabet videos because we went through a similar phase where we'd have to correct "zed" to "zee". He got a huge kick out of us pretending to fight over what the last letter was.
@benftw Nope - in Canada they do it by the calendar year. So if your kid turns 4 by December, they can start in September. Mine will be 3 and 9 months when he starts.
@benftw It’s pretty rough on the younger kids. Fortunately it’s a play based program for the first 2 years with some academics sprinkled in.

Mine did an entrance exam for a private school a week after he turned 3. They asked him to recognize 15 letters, numbers, shapes (oval included) and colours.

He passed and he will be attending the school in September but the test was age inappropriate for a 3 year old.
@jonlv I’d say don’t worry about it! She’s only 3. She doesn’t need to know her letters before preschool. Just play with her and follow her interests. She’ll have plenty of time for structured learning to get all these skills later.

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