3 year old hates learning abc’s


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My 3 year old straight up refuses to learn her abc’s. I probably sound crazy but she starts school in September and as a December baby I desperately want her to be prepared. I’ve tried flash cards, books, games. She wants nothing to do with it. I’m considering putting her in kumon. Anybody have advice? I made the mistake of getting a bit frustrated with the flash cards so I’m trying to come back from that.
@jonlv She’s fine. She’s only 3. What school is she starting that needs her to know the ABCs by 3? Maybe choose something more play based.
@tomato777 I live in Canada and she starts junior kindergarten. It seems like in the states kids start later. The check list is terrifying. Like basic math (more or less), zippers, noticing patterns, holding a pencil correctly, putting a story in chronological order….It’s kinda overwhelming because she’s so little.
@jonlv Don't worry too much. I'm in Canada too - my kid is in JK and doesn't really know the complete alphabet yet. (She can sing the song, but not identify all the letters out of order). She's doing great in her class (And is a smart kid, but one of the youngest in the class). That sounds like more of a list for finishing JK - they work on things like that, but our school it is very play based. I would drop the letters for now and just read for fun. You really don't want to push them too hard and take the fun out of learning.
@jonlv Hi, also in Canada (BC) and have a daughter currently in preschool and a son who will start preschool in Sept. Neither of them consistently know their ABC’s. Both of them love the number eleventeen and use it as many times as possible when counting past 10. I give zero fucks! I refuse to make school or learning a stressful thing at this age, they’re incredibly smart capable kids and the most important thing they’re going to learn in preschool is how to be a friend and play nicely with other kids. For what it’s worth my daughter is also a December baby and she won’t be going to preschool until the September she’s 5.
@jonlv I’m in Canada and there isn’t JK here… unless you mean preschool which isn’t mandatory, and per my friends neither preschool nor actual 5yo kindergarten require knowledge of ABC’s off the start. So I agree that that may be an end game thing.

I’d work more on being able to dress herself for weather. Putting on shoes/boots and coats/hat/mittens. The rest you can tackle with games, songs, etc
@evangbessawa Depends on the province. Yes. JK is a thing in some places. It’s being established where I live to take some of the pressure off the daycares. I’m not sure I see the sell though because it’s higher ratio and shorter hours.
Agreed that this sounds like learning goals for junior k rather than what they should know from the outset.
@jonlv Where are you? I live in BC and kindergarten doesn’t start til the Sept of the year you turn 5 and you’re not required to know the alphabet at that point. If the rules are so strict where you are maybe red shirt your kiddo?
@jonlv Have you tried an ABC puzzle? My son learned upper and lower case letters just doing puzzles with me. Flash cards work for visual learners but you might have a tactile learner.
@katrina2017 I second a puzzle! My daughter doesn’t know the abc’s in order or anything but we have a letter puzzle and she is starting to learn letters that way just from me saying whatever letter she happens to pick up. And it has different colors so you can teach colors too!
@jonlv Children under 7 learn best form playing. It's important that they develop their social and motor skills. Learning letters en numbers will happen in due time.
@jonlv Even my advanced 4,5 yo isn't really interested in letters. I'd just try to sneak it in here and there. Like ABC songs. Or get a set of fridge magnets? But I wouldn't "make" her learn
Edit: what is kumon?
@jonlv Waaaaay to early to be learning reading and writing. I know the US is obsessed with early learning but basically all studies show that there is no difference in children who learn reading and writing early vs those who start later in terms of academic achievement. But curtailing their active and social play time is not good for their development. Think about it, 3 year olds can’t even speak properly yet. Dump the ABCs and focus of physical play, imaginative play, and art.

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