3 Month Old Baby. Green PooP


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My baby boy is three months old. His poop color is greenish and he pooped one time a day. He is taking breastmilk and Nestle Lactogen 1. I had visit Civil Hospital in my city and the doctor said it is okay but I'm not very confident with his answer. Please Guide me. Thank You.
@allysmiles3 If it’s bright green it can mean that baby has taken more foremilk from you and not enough hindmilk. Try breastfeeding baby for longer on each breast so they can get the fatty hind milk they need.

If it is more of a brownish green, your baby could be recovering from a stomach virus but you would know if they’ve been sick.

I saw on an earlier reply that you were concerned it was because baby is putting their hand in their mouth? That’s normal and ok. If you’re concerned you could wash their hands a few times a day, but it’s an important skill for your baby to learn.

Having said all that, if you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to seek more professional help.
@allysmiles3 It’s ok it means he didn’t get a full feeding something like that. Like not enough fat milk ratio. That’s all. It should be back to normal again and doesn’t require a hospital visit if everything else is normal. Has he pooped since? Acting ok?
@batcat Thank you Very much for replying. Yes, he pooped today and he is active. I think I have to be more careful with him sometime he puts his whole hand in his mouth. I consult with private doctor he said it is okay.
@allysmiles3 My babies both would get this and even occasionally into toddler hood, would still get the ‘green baby poop’. It was totally normal. Sometimes if there had been a lot of dairy or something, I don’t know but normal on babies.

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