3 days late w/ sticky white discharge


New member
i had mild covid during the first week of december and my last period was on december 7. my bf and i had protected sex on december 8 and 9. we also had protected sex on december 17 and 18 which, according to my health app, is a day after my predicted ovulation day(s). i noticed some mild cramping around december 21 then we had protected sex again on december 22. the following morning, i noticed some spots of brown blood on my underwear. my period is now three days late and from december 27-29, i didn’t have any sort of discharge (my underwear was completely dry). it is now december 31 and since yesterday, i’ve been having the usual white sticky discharge that i tend to have. i’ve also been very stressed this month due to my studies and some personal issues. could i be pregnant?

other symptoms: mood swings, sore breasts
@mbch If it was protected sex it is very unlikely. If it's been more than two weeks a test would be accurate. I really don't think discharge is a big indicator of pregnancy. Yes you produce more but that's it. Brown discharge is usually old blood from your uterus being cleaned out which can happen at any point in your cycle. Same with white discharge.

I missed a whole cycle last year when I got covid and didn't get my period till the next month.

The automod has a link to a thread about "late periods."

Its definitely possible you've ovulated late, because of stress and covid, or honestly just because it can be late. That's why those health apps are hard to trust.
@preachgrl61 thank you for this! i hope i can still have my period for this cycle bc i’m really worried even though my bf and i were safe the whole time (none of the condoms broke)
@mbch you should be fine if you had protected sex, but it doesnt seem like your late on your period. december 7th was 23 days ago, the standard cycle is 28 days or 4 weeks. stress can throw your cycle off, as well as cause spotting between periods, as with covid, but if you're worried about it then you should take a pregnancy test.
@pejay60 to clarify, the first day of my last cycle was on december 1 and i got infected with covid around november 28. recently, my breasts would hurt sometimes but they’re not swollen or sensitive to touch. i haven’t had my usual pre menstrual symptoms that’s why i’m really anxious
@mbch ohh ok i see now. typically when people say when their last cycle is, it's usually the first day of your period, as this is the first day in the new cycle. whenever your period ends isn't needed, only the day it's started, just for future reference.
to address the second part, covid can change your cycle depending on the person. i don't think mine changed much when i got covid in november 2020, but i've heard others say it affected theirs. covid may have just fucked your hormonal balance. if you take a test right now though it would be accurate, so i'd suggest doing that if you're worried, but i don't think you're pregnant.