27 week update


New member
Hi! I just wanted to share what my fitness experience has been so far, in case it helps anyone else along their journey!

Prior to pregnancy I would consider myself somewhere between fit and very fit. I ran half marathons, did yoga 3-5 times per week, weight training at orange theory fitness, regularly hiked and biked and moved my body around. I’ve always been slim and athletic and have the “mesomorph” body type - i.e I build muscle easily.

Going into this pregnancy, I though “I’m definitely going to run right up until the day I go into labor!” “I’m going to do yoga every day!” “I’m going to do everything I can to minimize diastasis!”

Well. First trimester I managed to continue 3 miles runs 2-3 times per week until week 9, when I just kind of...couldn’t. It was too hot, I was too exhausted, and it didn’t feel right for my body. It took me a few weeks to start feeling like I could move again.

Second trimester started out with lots of activity, including running, biking, ocean swimming and yoga. However, by as early as week 16 I started developing cramps in my right leg that completely stopped me in my running tracks. I started taking magnesium and took another couple of weeks off running. I was able to return to it pain free for about two weeks and then...BAM, pelvic pain combined with digestive issues...as in, every time I tried to go for a run I had to poop so badly it was an emergency!

Meanwhile, I was still doing yoga, but finding that I was coning/tenting in a lot of positions. I also went on some camping and hiking trips and found that my cardiovascular fitness was very different than pre pregnancy! I had to stop frequently, and wore a belly support band.

I started seeing a chiropractor for the pelvic pain and it helped tremendously, but I also had to stop running. My last run was at 25 weeks and it was 3 miles in 45 minutes; more walking that running.

Our most recent hiking trip included stops every 1-4 minutes that we were going uphill so I could sit down and rest. I get light headed very easily these days. And so so so so so so so so out of breath!

At 27 weeks I am now doing pregnancy yoga and very light weight training (squats with a 10 lb dumbbell for example) and this feels just right for what my body can handle!

I absolutely thought I would “last longer” into my pregnancy still doing my regular activities, based on all the women I had seen who were still super active right up until birth. I counted myself among them...but we are ALL totally different! There is simply NO WAY I could be running half marathons right now, as I’ve seen other women do right up through their third trimesters, and that’s OK!

For reference, I’m 5’2, starting weight 107 current weight 123. I love my bump and feel great about my pregnancy body, even though it doesn’t do all the things it used to 😂. It does a lot of other amazing things now!

Anyways, this was long but I hope someone finds it useful. I know I am always wondering what “normal” is and seeing a lot of women managing much more than I am, so I thought I’d share my story, so far!
@jeanniecheek Ahhh this speaks to me! I am currently 15w and realized this weekend running just isn’t in the cards for me anymore. I ran 1.5 (slow) miles this weekend and felt like I just couldn’t get enough air in and felt really lightheaded toward the end and especially when I stopped. This happened on a previous couple of runs but I easily talked myself out of the reality of what was happening. It’s a bummer because running has really been part of my identity.

So I am just continuing to do yoga and weights (that also sometimes make me lightheaded) and will start walking more I think! I really didn’t think my body would take such a hit from this either! But I expect that it’s all worth it :)
@katrina2017 Yes, I totally feel the “running identity”! But, it hasn’t been as hard as I feared to stop. I still feel a little jealous when I see other people running, especially in these perfect 50s temps...
@jeanniecheek It sounds like we had pretty similar experiences! I considered myself very fit pre pregnancy, with triathlon & regular weight training. Now at 33w, when not suffering severe PGP, I’m getting by with pregnancy yoga, short walks and the odd light weights session. Not going to lie, I do miss the intensity of my old workouts but am excited to get back to that stage once my body is ready post birth. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!
@newlightseven I’m totally excited to get back into things when my body is ready! And, I’m thinking it’s probably not bad to give our bodies a good long rest every once in a while, especially for those of us who are very active!
@jeanniecheek I'm in the same boat! Was a very fit (elite/sub-elite marathoner) and definitely thought I would be running and even doing workouts/races throughout the entire pregnancy.

Turns out... running doesn't feel good, at all. SPD I think and just general pain. I'm pretty tall and I haven't put on much weight; I'm barely even showing at 28 weeks-- but I just don't run any more! It was a pretty big shock, but I'm trying to enjoy going on long walks with my dog and enjoying *not* having to do time trials, races, etc. I'm trying to swim 1x/week but I think that will go by the wayside with covid increases...so just going to keep walking!
@jeanniecheek Thank you for sharing! I'm in a similar boat, I've had to add and remove things from my fitness toolkit so many times to just be okay this pregnancy and I'm only 20 weeks in. Just doing my best and trying to be grateful for the fitness and ability I have right now, because tomorrow is another day with more chances for things to go awry.
@jeanniecheek Thanks for sharing. And I’m so pleased for you that you’ve managed to carry on in at least some capacity!

I have to admit been really struggling reading this sub since I got pregnant. I also considered myself fit pre-pregnancy - serious lifting 4 times a week, and averaging 20,000 steps a day. I got a wall at around 5 weeks pregnant. I’m now 18 weeks and pretty much nothing has picked up. I’ve had no energy, and most times I throw up either during or straight after workout. I’ve managed under 10 weights sessions in the past 13 weeks, and around 2 Pilates/yoga sessions a week.

Reading story after story from people who feel frustrated because their lifts haven’t been going up in weight during pregnancy, or who have had to cut out a couple of miles each day, and barely anything from women whose routines have totally changed has made me feel pretty invalidated and frustrated with my body 😞

Edit: hit a wall, not got a wall 🤦🏻‍♀️
@jeanniecheek This helps to provide a possible perspective going forward! I’m almost 20 weeks and mostly still at normal levels. I’ve had to stop most single-leg exercises like lunges because of pelvic girdle pain, but pt and a chiro are helping! We did a 12 mile hike and rock scramble this weekend...other than hip pain, I did great and was pleased to see I was still fitter than 95% of the people on the mountain lol.

I’m trying to tell myself it’ll be ok if things close down again, or if I have to physically stop doing things. The gym is just so good for my mental health and I love running. But it’ll be ok, any slow downs or stops will be temporary, and yeah...it’ll be ok! Thanks for your update!!
@jeanniecheek I'm 8 weeks and I've been feeling like a crazy person because every time I go for a hike it feels harder than the last time. Somehow I'm still running and my times haven't gotten much slower but I feel much slower. It's so freaking odd and I hate it.