20mo starts feeding constantly at night


New member
The pattern for the last few months has been our 20 month old starts off in their bed 7.30 and comes into ours between 1 and 3am. She's fed and the sleeps on. It's exhausting for my partner at the best of times but it's seen working for us on the whole - the child is happy, is easily soothed, we have no tantrums and we're both largely able to rest and sleep through.

But the last couple of nights, our child hasn't stopped feeding all night from 11 and it's too much for my partner it's coincided with trying to be a bit more boundaries about feeding in the day - like not feeding before meal times which has caused some proper resistance from our child which is v difficult for us.

Are there any tips for transitioning to more boundaries approaches to feeding in day time and managing this night time continuous feed?
@rainflower No advice really, my 20m old had always been very wakeful at night but it has gotten worse the past week or two because he's cutting his canines. Is your little getting any teeth right now? A few nights of baby Motrin really helped for us.
@rainflower Yeah I'm going through it with my 14 going on 15 month old, her molars are coming through so the clinginess and nursing lots all night is a struggle. My partner will sleep most of the night on the couch and comes to bed early in the morning so sometimes if she gets up early he can get up with her and give me some more time to sleep.
If teeth are coming in a second the baby motrin or tylenol.