2 year old and 6 month old I’m getting really discouraged - vent

@jlovespb I have had times that I’ve co-slept (with younger nursing infants) so I know it’s rough. I always slept like garbage. I can’t imagine doing it for weeks/months on end. I hope you can get more sleep in the near future.
@jlovespb Mine were 19 months apart and it has felt like drowning until I started taking them to the gym childcare almost everyday so I can have 2 hours to myself. I work out or do other hobbies in the lobby. Do you happen to have any gyms near you with this amazing option? I was pretty against other people caring for my kids, but when I started being short and cranky to my kids and husband all the time (and feeling constantly depressed) I realized that was more toxic than my kids getting less attention for a couple hours a day.
@jlovespb You can frame it to your husband that without his help you’re essentially never getting to leave work, every waking moment is the same for you. How can anyone expect not to be burnt out when you have zero down time?

When he finishes work/on weekends it should be 50/50 on the childcare front. They’re his kids too!
@jlovespb This will be the hardest time. I’m so sorry. It’s insanity. I tried listening to advice to let things go and it never helped because everything had to get done. Try to remember it will get better. Do whatever you can to get some time to yourself. My husband was working nights when my kids were that age and I felt single and alone and it was similar when I tried to talk to him about it. You do need help though. Start with asking him to plan one meal a week or give you one day on the weekend to sleep in (trade off with him). Reach out to any friends or family who are safe and reliable and just ask for an hour here or there. If there’s anyone who can take the toddler for a while. Maybe try discussing with him again and explaining you’re not discounting his contribution at all and you appreciate him working but that your job is swallowing you while right now and you need whatever assistance he can give. You are a partnership. This is how it will be. Sometimes he will be drowning at work and you’ll pick up the slack at home to make it easier on him, sometimes you’ll be drowning and he will help pick up some slack at home to make it easier on you. I’m sorry it’s hard. I promise you’re not alone.