2 Plan B’s in 1 Cycle - late period


New member
Okay going to try and make this simple. FYI using pullout method (not the best I know)… I was just prescribed BC pills but can’t take them until the Sunday after my NEXT period which I’m waiting for, FYI he’s never finished inside me… so here we go:

Had unprotected sex the day after my period ended. Took plan b within 24 hours and then 4-5 days later started spotting and got an actual period which was heavy. No other side effects other than sore boobs and a bit of nausea but went away with the second period.

Few weeks go by had sex again, same thing, pull out, and took plan B but no side effects this time.

Flash forward to my expected period - sore boobs and cramping but no period yet. I’m late 5 days - 6 tomorrow.

Took 2 pregnancy test, both showing negative.

Anyone else experience something similar?? Really need advice. I’ve been reading about it for weeks but figured I’d make my own post because all the responses I’ve read just say stupid comments not really relatable to my situation.

Thank you in advance !!
@talj You can start taking birth control pills on any day. Just take the first pill in the pack and one pill per day, in order.

Plan B works by delaying ovulation. Irregular bleeding and late periods are both common side effects.
@njones36159 Yes, I’m aware you can take them any day! But my DR advised me to take them the Sunday after my next period since I was in the middle of my cycle when they were prescribed - just following the DRs orders!

Late periods and bleeding are common according to the instructions on the plan b package - however how late!! Do you have any experience with this yourself? Just curious.
@talj I don’t, I’ve not ever taken Plan B. How late varies, and it’s impossible to predict exactly how an individual will react to Plan B.
@talj I'd recommend starting your birth control pills immediately, and using condoms for the first 7 days on the pill.

Waiting for your period or the Sunday after your period is outdated advice - You can do that, but there's no medical reason to and you could get pregnant while you wait.

Especially since you're not using a reliable method and there's no way to know when you will get your period after taking Plan B.

It's common to be a week or two late, but some people skip a period entirely so it could be another month before you get yours.

A negative pregnancy test result is definitely reliable 21 days after sex