18(M) wondering how to maximize quality time with son and BM 18(F) (6 months pregnant)

@vivienh I absolutely love your attitude that you're invested in this new life. You'll make it work but be prepared for hard choices.

Well done for being so mature and looking at this from a positive bonding time perspective.

Good luck
@vivienh Had my kiddo in February, he's actually 6 weeks as of yesterday. I understand your worry but you've got a bit of time to try and figure something out. Make time for them yes, but the kid can't really do anything for quite a while. Essentially it's just feed them, put them to sleep, feed them. Sprinkle in some tummy time and that's about it. Babies don't even realize they're separate from mom until they're 6 months. They don't even have actual control over their movements until 8 weeks.
@kayblay I completely understand they are fully dependent at that stage and that’s what I want him to be (comfortable and trusting) but I doubt being away can coincide with building this trust
@vivienh This is gonna be an unpopular opinion. But you've got time. At most you're talking about being gone for a year? The kiddo won't remember any of that time. They'll spend half of it not even knowing they're out of the womb. If it's really concerning you a lot, is it possible to go to school closer?
@kayblay This is actually my state of mind/POV as well. I know he won’t physically remember but the “vibe” between us will. I know it won’t be the same but I know I’ll be there matter what to make sure our bond is as strong as possible
@vivienh Another thing to consider here is just how much babies change especially in those first few months. You can't get that time back, and while a five year old and a six year old are different, a two week old baby and a twelve week old baby are worlds apart. Try and get in as much time as you can during those early months just so that you don't miss that unique time with the cute little nugget.
@puresmile I know I’ll be 100% available for the first 12-14 weeks but after that I go back to college. I want to take as much load as I can off my BM while I’m home.

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