16month old fighting sleep


New member

I have 16month old daughter. She just turned 16month. We have schedule problem. She was doing great with 3.5/3.5/4 wws. She is waking up around 7-7:30 and then was going to sleep around 10:30-11:00 for about 1h15 min sometimes 1.30h and then second nap was around 3:30-4:00 for about an hour and then asleep at 9. Was sleeping through. 2 weeks ago she started fighting sleep and waking up from naps early, some days she wakes up after 40 min some days after 50 min. She fights naps and only falls asleep after 30 min of trying. She started having false starts, and is awake every couple of hours at night. I tried transitioning her to 1 nap but not working. I tried putting her down around 12:30 pm so after 5h of awake time and she slept for 2h nap al. She just crashed. And then bedtime after 4.5-5 h again crushed and had several false starts and again awake every 2-3 hours and wanted to start a day at 4am. Please help. I am losing my mind. I am trying 1nP for 2 days now. And nights are just miserable

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