15 month old crying during social situations


New member
Hi all!

Ever since my 15 month old daughter was about 7 months old, we’ve gone to many mommy and me activities (storytime at library, Gymboree, music class, etc). Ever since a couple weeks ago, she absolutely loved doing these things. She’d walk around, engage with other moms/ babies, babble, point, laugh, she’d get a good distance away from me with no issues. It was so nice to see her comfortable around other people and not glued to my lap. In the last several weeks, there have been 3-4 instances where we’ve had to leave one of these activities early because of her crying. It’s not whining or temper tantrum type crying, just crying out of what seems like nowhere. She will sit on my lap and be fine for the most part. She’ll get up on her own and start to wander around, then stop and start crying. I figured she might just be attached to me at the moment, but once I bring her back in my arms the crying continues…could she be going through a phase of stranger danger or being overwhelmed amongst unfamiliar people? Have any of you experienced this?

I’m just so bummed because I absolutely love doing these things with her, but lately have felt embarrassed and unsure of what could be causing this. Any advise or similar stories would be so helpful!
@simon74 I think you’re right in the middle of peak separation anxiety. My little lady went through the same and simply outgrew it after a few weeks. She was more quickly overwhelmed by social situations from 15 months to about 17 months. Back to “normal” around 18 months.
@simon74 It's totally normal! My daughter has gone through different phases of shyness/clinginess/"making strange" as she's gotten older. She's 2.5 now and still gets it sometimes if we're in a new and unfamiliar place. It'll pass after a while and might come back again several months later. Just give her encouragement but follow her lead to help her continue to develop all these complicated social skills :)