11m old has cut back drastically on formula


New member
My daughter is a week shy of 11m and has been 99% percentile for weight for about 2 months now (25lbs). She’s what I’d consider a great eater and loves solids. Three meals a day with crackers and pouches to keep her happy inbetween.

My concern is that she’s cut down drastically on her formula feeds. When she was 7m she’d drink 36oz+/1 L+ a day. Now I’m lucky if I can get her to have three 4oz bottles in a day.

I give her formula before her solids, but she just doesn’t want much and pushes her bottles away. She won’t take a sippy cup with formula at all.

I’ve talked to my GP and a peds dietitian and they didn’t seem concerned since she has a good weight but I can’t help but worry that she’s not getting enough of the nutrients in her formula. She eats lots of eggs and veggies and dairy, but I just worry.

Anyone have exp with a 10-11m old cutting back on formula or refusing feeds in favour of solids?
@jordanbanks At that age I'd be completely fine with it. By then she should be fine to have less formula. And after a few months of solids you should be offering them first and formula should be offered after anyways.

I'm in Canada and many of the doctors recommend weaning to start at 9 months and be completed by 1 year so you'd be right on track for that.

Honestly I wouldn't worry at all about the I take unless your pediatrician says so.
@cindlee Okay this is great. I’m actually in Canada, too. :) I didn’t know about the formula after solids thing! I think my brain is stuck in 6 month mode when we first started solids (I was super stressed about it and seem emotionally stuck there haha).

Thank you for this!
@jordanbanks My daughter was also always 90% plus, started solids at 4 months because she was obsessed with our food lol. She was eating three solid meals by 6 months, I can't remember exactly how much formula she was taking but I remember by 10 months she was having one 8oz bottle first thing in a morning then I was offering a second bottle in the afternoon which she gradually started refusing. I kept the morning 8oz until a year but I definitely could have dropped it. She has never liked cows milk but eats lots of cheese and yogurt for calcium! Let them tell you what they need, I say

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