10 Months PP Weight Loss


New member
So I’m just about ten months PP this upcoming Sunday. I am feeling absolutely defeated with letting my body “take its time” on the road to recovery and weight loss.
Full transparency I gained about 70 pounds during my pregnancy. I’m 5 feet exactly and was teetering at around 100-105 pounds when I first got pregnant. At my last weigh in before birth, I was 179. I had a planned c-section as my baby was around 9 pounds and doctors said there was a chance he could get stuck during natural child birth. Well ten months later, I am around 146, my stomach still looks like it did when I was four months pregnant, I cannot seem to lose anymore weight, nor tighten the extra skin up. Although it looks more like bloat than extra skin. I have been on a strict calorie deficit diet ever since I stopped breast feeding, I workout about 4 times a week but have completely plateaued. I went to the doctors yesterday to voice my concerns about not being able to feel my core or stomach during my workouts. My PMC pretty much wrote me off and gave me a referral to see a physical therapist. I have a friend who gave birth in December and her body was pretty much back to normal within 6-8 weeks. I realize that everyone’s body is different but was just wondering if anyone else has had a hard time losing weight/waiting for their body to return to some state of normalcy? Feeling like a stranger in my own skin.
@jojotxboy Start with that physical therapist. I’m only 5 months pp and still breastfeeding, so losing weight isn’t happening for me anytime soon, but pelvic floor PT has slowly given me my waist back and reduced the morning to night bloating that came with fatigued core muscles. Some of that PT includes biofeedback to help me be aware of my muscles again, and there was the option of electrical stimulation if I couldn’t get there by myself.

You also might try to get a referral to a registered dietitian - it’s not uncommon for people to either underestimate their caloric intake or miscalculate their caloric needs (in both directions - undereating, especially if your macros are off, can stall weight loss and reduce the efficacy of exercise). Between the two, you may be able to see some progress that you hadn’t seen before.
@jluponeage Agree with all of this. I went to a Physical Therapist as soon as I could after both my babies. I had diastasis recti, you need a trained PT to show you how to appropriately do the core exercises.

Also, it takes time for your body to slowly go back to normal. I didn't feel totally back to my normal self 18 months after my 1st. It's been almost a year after my 2nd and I don't feel/look anywhere near close to being normal again. I just chalk it up that it takes time for some people to get their hormones back to normal and working again. Don't be so hard on yourself! You created a whole human with your body, it takes time.
@jojotxboy Eat the exact same way you did pre-pregnancy and same with exercise

Take some diuretics to see if it’s residual water weight. Then get massages.

If this doesn’t work then cut carbs.

There’s no reason you can’t be 105 again.
@scoogieboo So I stopped physically breastfeeding at around four months. Pumped up until month 8. My supply sort of started to slow so I’m not pumping anymore however I do still leak occasionally