
@judithwiegand Nice job!

I just call my brother (hvac tech) and tell him his niece needs heat or AC before she has a meltdown. He's usually over in 2 hours. And it usually only costs me a couple beers.
@judithwiegand Showing kids that broken stuff can be fixed is so hugely important and not something many can/will still do these days. Last weekend my kids broke the cord on the Operation tweezers, so the dude’s nose wasn’t lighting up anymore. I grabbed a knife and some electrical tape and showed them how to take the battery out, cut back the coating, twist the wires together, re-cover with electrical tape, and keep playing. I was shocked they paid attention through the whole process, but they were fascinated, and it felt awesome to turn a broken game into such a big win.

Edit: just re-read the first sentence on my comment and have never felt older or more out-of-touch.
@judithwiegand Nice! I had that issue years ago, and every year when I have friends or coworkers say they have the same issue, I tell them to do this fix! Now you can too, and people will see you as a savant of furnaces.
@judithwiegand YouTube DIY channels are like cheat codes for Dadding.

Time was you'd have had to spend your teenage years watching studiously as your old man did all sorts of crap around the house and you tried frantically to memorise it all.

Now you can just confidently stride off to the garage, quietly watch a handful of videos on your phone, then just as confidently walk back into the house clutching some wire wool, an adjustable spanner and half a stuffed cat to complete the job, or you jump in the car and head to the DIY store to buy them.
@judithwiegand Oof last year right before Thanksgiving when the temperatures dipped into the 30s overnight my furnace blower motor decided it wanted to quit life. I managed to keep it running by using my cordless drill and an adhesive removal wheel to jump start the blower motor. I kept this going for about a week while we waited for the HVAC company to come out and replace the 20+ year old furnace with a brand new one.
@judithwiegand Nice! Recently had a piece come loose in my dryer and there's nowhere on the damn Internet that has schematics for taking it apart. I called LG and they told me I'd need a service rep. I told them I'd just start unscrewing until I figured it out.

Coulda done it in 10 minutes with a quick drawing or video but I fixed the damn thing with 3 screws from the hardware store and way too many unscrewed screws from the dryer.

Last time I buy an LG appliance, that's for sure.