1.5 yr old learned F**k


New member
My 1.5yr old picked up the word f**k and now is obsessed with saying it. (Can you blame him?) We’ve tried explaining that the f word is Just for grownups and have given him alternative words to say. That turned into a game for him, so we began ignoring him because it seemed like he enjoyed the attention from saying it. That didn’t work.

What are your tips for getting your toddler to stop cursing?
@annette_m30 Idk how long you’ve been ignoring, but my kid had a problem with saying sh!t (totally my fault). I stopped saying it and started saying shoot instead and my toddler mostly lost interest in saying sh!t because I stopped setting that example and stopped giving him a reaction when he said it. Keep at it!
@ferfi The thing is, I honestly don’t say it that often. I just slipped up around him twice in moments of dysregulation. He repeated it around my mom and she thought it was hilarious and thus began the “game”. The ignoring is starting to work. He said it only twice today 🫠
@annette_m30 sometimes if my daughter picks something up i’ll just look at her confused and say what? make her repeat it a few times. then be like what is that idk what that means? and when she explains it I give her a similar sounding word and tell her that’s the right way to pronounce it. like “ohh do you mean fudge? that’s like if you hit your arm and it hurts and you say oh fudge! is that what you mean?” she usually is just like ohh.. and goes along with it.
@roman101 That’s pretty great. I don’t know that that tactic would work with mine. He’s still pretty young. I have done something similar with replacing the word with fudge or animals that he says that sound like the f word. (Every time he says frog or fox)

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