“Denial” or am I ok?


New member
So I was reading the resources about cryptic pregnancies. I want to ask about being in denial. Does that cause negatives? Sorry if it’s a silly question.

But I had my period last month, 5 days, with clots, it was red; and came on time. I PMS’d with symptoms like breast sensitivity ending when my period began. My period also came on time - according to cycle and to tracking app.

My last encounter with my bf was before this period - he put the tip in for 10 seconds or so.

I took tests that were negative too. I have zero symptoms.

I’m worried that I’m “denial” which is why everything is normal. Typing this, I can see how stupid I sound. But I’d love to understand what I read. So thanks in advance!
@brett1677 Being in denial wouldn’t cause a negative test. You had a period and negative tests. Stay off TikTok when it comes to this stuff, people on there say things for clicks views likes and clout.
@brett1677 Denial would mean not testing when signs and symptoms of pregnancy are present or when there has been sexual activity that could result in pregnancy.

Denial can not manifest a lack of symptoms or alter tests. Otherwise, I could manifest the 1 billion dollars I really want in my bank account.

You've had a period and tested negative. You are not pregnant.
@brett1677 Denial is when someone has symptoms but doesn't test because 'they can't be pregnant' or when they get a positive test but convince themselves it was a false positive - only to later be surprised because they have a baby.