working moms

  1. 9

    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    Hi all. I’m posting here because I am just going through it right now. Last weekend saw a faint bruise on my 9 month old’s abdomen. I have anxiety and realize I tend to catastrophize everything related to health. I immediately thought this was going to be something bad but instead of panicking...
  2. S

    Roxane Gay is unsuited to write a work column

    These columns (despite the brilliant art) always piss me off. “They can ask all they want, and you are welcome to decline”? Really? She comes from academia and has no grasp of the real corporate world. (Edited) Hope you can read her latest column in this gifted link...
  3. G

    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    My husband and I are high income. I came from a middle class background, he’s from a lower-middle class background. We’ve been together over five years, married with a one year old. Moved into a much bigger house last year and with that have more chores. Laundry. Cleaning. Lawn care. Dishes...
  4. D

    I think I was threatened at work today

    UPDATE: it’s Friday and a coworker asked me why I was going into the janitor’s closet and I flatly said “Apparently we discriminate against lactating mothers here. Interim director name said this was an acceptable place to pump food for my baby, she said my needs weren’t real and I was just...
  5. H

    3 Months at Daycare, 6 Bites - Am I overreacting?!

    My toddler (19 months) has been at a daycare for 3 months. She's been bitten SIX times (5 of 6 have been the same biter). He has bitten her back, arms and FACE (still has the mark). We've spoken to the administration and they claim to be working on it, but at this point it seems excessive. The...
  6. M

    Co-worker. What would you do

    Hello I have a boss, call them P and a two co-workers, call them y and m. P, Y, and I have been there since opening, about 8 months ago. M started about 6 months ago. We work with adults that need assistance. M is the issue. She does and says inappropriate things. She was trying get a...
  7. K

    I've hit my glass ceiling..

    I'm a 33 year old single mom working in corporate America. I've always been a hard worker & recognized as such. At my last job, my director told me "I've never seen someone come in and make such a financial impact as you did in such a short time (around 9 months after I started)." He directly...
  8. R

    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    I just felt the need to vent about housing. As the kids grow our small house feels smaller and smaller. The thing that is particularly rough is the noise factor. Smaller house means less space to spread out and everyone can hear everyone. My kids are so loud. I’m constantly asking everyone to...
  9. S

    Had to extend maternity leave - how do I return?

    Hi everyone! I had my baby February 2023, and was due to return to work February 2024 but with the childcare crisis I had to extend my leave. I now have secured child care, and e-mailed my bosses May 9th stating I can officially return June 3rd and… crickets. I sent a follow up e-mail May 21st...
  10. P

    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    I often see this cited as a reason people love/need to work, but I just do not feel it. I’m currently on my third maternity leave and no part of me “misses adult interaction.” 😬 I also generally don’t miss the satisfaction or validation I get from work. I have a pretty high-level job that...
  11. H

    Let's talk about daycare quality!

    EDIT: below, I incorrectly cited the California minimum staffing ratio as 4:1 for infants (0 to 18 months). In fact, it is 3:1, the research-recommended ratio, as is correctly noted by a couple of commenters. 4:1 begins at 18 months until 36 months; 8:1 from 3 years to kindergarten. Hello all...
  12. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    Option 1: His current school I absolutely love his teacher because she understands he moves around a lot and does not make him feel like it’s a bad thing because she knows he can’t control it. It is a 15 min drive there and 15 minutes back in a different direction then my other child’s school...
  13. T

    should i be offended by this Q from my direct report?

    need a gut check on how offended i should be. about two weeks after i announced my first pregnancy at work and even before parental leave backfill interviews happened, one of my direct reports (M) asked me: if one of her peers (J) who also reports to me took the temporary backfill role and...
  14. K

    X-post from r/beyondthebump: am I insane?

    Posting here too because I feel like a lot of you ladies in workingmoms have gone through stuff like this... So I'm at a bit of a loss for what to do here...I agreed a long time ago to go to this conference for work, thinking, "surely by 8 months my baby will be able to be apart from me for a...
  15. W

    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    I have 3 months of maternity leave... which I know is a blessing, in this country. However, many refer to breastfeeding as a bit of a full time job, especially during the first 6 months of a baby's life, where they feed quite a bit and aren't yet eating any whole foods. I'll be working from...
  16. R

    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    In short, my manager suggested that I transition to part time instead of resigning to find a PT job after I spoke with her about needing more time in my day to take care of my baby. So, we had a conversation yesterday and she told me that the department VP said it was company policy to offer a...
  17. P

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    I go into the office Monday-Wednesday from 8-5 (but really, everyone strolls in between 8:15 and 8:30), and then I work from home on Thursdays and Fridays. Starting July, I will most likely have to go in office every day. I’m pretty upset at this to be honest but I don’t have any choice in the...
  18. S

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    I think the answer is no, but I’m just looking for some solidarity from others. Husband and I both have decent incomes. We live in a HCOL area, and have 2 kids in daycare. Even with two daycares, it’s still worth it to keep working. We only have one car to cut down on costs, we bought a house...
  19. C

    Mat leave = foot in the door or stay put?

    I’m a pharmacist. I currently have a full time permanent job in a retail pharmacy. I like my work and my coworkers are nice. Health benefits are good (which is significant as I’m on about $10,000 of meds a year) but there’s no pension. Hours are 9-6. Pay is comparable to other pharmacist...
  20. J

    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    Hello fellow madres, I currently have a desk job with a few work related travels here and there, but am mostly sedentary and work from home most of the time. Now, I might get a job offer that involves being sent to various locations anywhere from a month to several months (6-12 months), but...