working moms

  1. H

    Job Decision: keep the slightly toxic job that I know inside and out or switch to a brand new more creative job- with two toddlers - Help

    Basically the title. I put longer post a couple days ago but it didn't get much traction. I was offered the job and now I'm really going back and forth about it. I'm curious define people who made similar choices and if they were happy with what they chose. Thanks...
  2. E

    How do u set up playdates for 3year old?

    I have a playful but shy 3 year old boy. He goes to daycare (preschool class) full time and my husband and I work full time. He generally has a good time at daycare (per teacher) but I don't really see him make friends. I want to set up a playdate with my son's classmate to help him make...
  3. G

    Daycare at office building v. 2-3 days telework

    ETA thanks all for your thoughtful input! 🫶 I am having my second soon and shopping around for the LO’s daycare. There is a great center at the same building my office is. Should I enroll my infant there, or look for somewhere close to home? The center at work has rates $3-400 cheaper than...
  4. M

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    Is anyone else just a totally different size and weight and shape after having their kid/kids? I’m 2 years on and about 20 pounds above my pre pregnancy weight (I’m short so that’s a lot). I work out the same amount as I did pre pregnancy (4-5 days a week). I prob eat a slightly worse diet...
  5. E

    When are you getting to spend time with your babies?

    First and only LO is 7 months. I’m an attorney. I had maternity leave for 3 months and then wfh for 3 months. I just finished my first full month full time in the office….and how are y’all doing it??? My work schedule used to be 9a-6pm or later, depending on my work load. Now, no matter how...
  6. S

    My kid called me fat

    I’ll start by saying this- I’m not fat. Not even close. So why did him referring to my “squishy belly” as “fat” make me so sad? Not entirely sure where this post is going… but gosh, this kid (5) has come up with some really hurtful statements these past few months. These are things we...
  7. K

    How do you even give a f@#k?

    Update: this week has gone to complete shit topped out with a staff trying to lie about his leave and backtracking (fraud investigation). The programs are beyond saving, and more people are quitting that hold my position in other counties. I received an offer for a job where I will be working...
  8. L

    Anyone else hate working?

    Just a rant. My husband and I both work in sales. We make good money and are good at our jobs. I just HATE working. I do it solely to help provide for my family because without a double income we wouldn’t be able to get by. I have absolutely 0 motivation and want nothing more than just to be a...
  9. J

    How did my mom do it

    My mom was an RN working 12 hour shifts at the hospital often picking up OT and my dad worked a 9-5 with a long commute that involved taking a train to another state. Our house was always “eat off the floors” spotless, meals were always home made, and the laundry was never pilled high. My dad...
  10. L

    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    Sorry if this is not appropriate to ask here but i figured other working moms would understand this situation better than anyone. My kid has had some sort of bug this week. This is the fifth time this year I have had to keep her home for 2+ days. It’s been pink eye or respiratory viruses and...
  11. Q

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    This is just so bizarre to me, and I’m not sure if I should push and ask about this again. I’m 36+4 weeks pregnant with my second child and my planned c-section date is fast approaching, which will be when I’m 38+3. During the week of the end of May/beginning of June, I was trying to get...
  12. J

    Just got hired at a new job and also found out I’m pregnant with baby #2

    I have so many questions running through my mind right now. How will this look in terms of requesting time off? I won’t qualify for FMLA since I’ll be at this new job for under a year. What if I have morning sickness? How will I request sick days or handle days in the office? When will it be...
  13. C

    [Dad Q on behalf of mom]Employer-provided leave beyond CA PDL (not FMLA/CIFRA eligible)

    Hello, I'm an expecting California dad asking on behalf of my wife, who is due in 4 weeks. My wife is planning to go on maternity leave imminently. We understand that she will be eligible for job security via Parental Disability Leave (PDL), which would be as little as 6 weeks, and could be...
  14. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    I’m realizing how privileged I am to have a husband to split parenting responsibilities with on a regular basis. He needs to travel abroad for a little over 3 weeks (spanning across 4 weekends). It’s an important trip and I support him on it. But now I’m trying to figure out how to avoid getting...
  15. N

    Absolutley crappy U.S. materinity leave and FMLA... what are my options?

    Hi all! About a year ago I started a new job that I really love. It's for a non-profit with great benefits and a great staff. However, I've just found out I'm pregnant with number 2, and while looking through the employee handbook I was shocked to see the crappy maternity leave option. It says...
  16. M

    Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

    Maybe I’m old school, maybe I’m just grouchy, or maybe the last 3 weeks of school have just broken my spirit. That being said… I only consider something worthy of a “graduation” ceremony if the student is earning a degree. I’m just generally annoyed by my kids’ schools insisting on all these...
  17. M

    Secret day off...Update!

    Firstly thank you to everyone who responded, I was overwhelmed with responses and I read them all! So many of them I wanted to do! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about. I booked myself a secret day off yesterday. Here is the origional post: Anyways. My day took and...
  18. R

    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    The pandemic has led to conversations about the future of work--and for some reason, it has drawn a line in the sand between those who think all-remote is the way to go vs. those who insist in-office culture is crucial to operations. But this debate is excluding (once again) the plight of...
  19. L

    Week away at a conference, came home to feel like things were better w/o me here - venting

    My job requires travel. I am away overnight 4-6 days per month plus a week per quarter. Previously I worked 1-2 overnights every week. Our daughter is 5 years old. I returned home from a week long conference after 12 hours of travel and five hours of flight delay. Within the first two hours of...
  20. I

    Non M-F 9-5 workers, how hard is working holidays/weekends?

    I’m a nurse and plan to go part time back to bedside after working a regular 9-5 schedule (for the most part) for over 4 years. For a short time, I did 3 12 hour shifts during the week which was a dream except for the on call, so I know I like the long days but less days more. But I’m worried...