
  1. S

    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    I'm exhausted. I feel like I don't get to say that anymore. I feel like every time I say that, the range of comments I get varies from "you chose to be a parent" all the way to "oh, I'm sure it's not that bad." I chose to be a parent? Yes, I did. Despite the fact that my kiddo was an absolute...
  2. S

    My partner passed away and I’m seriously considering adoption or a sperm donor.

    8 days ago I tragically lost my partner of 5 years in a fatal car accident. We’ve been trying for a baby for 4 years and had 1 loss during that time. I’ve been so angry and sad that his chance at being a father was robbed from him. I feel like my whole world just came crumbling down on top of me...
  3. O

    Its too hard for me

    The pregnancy pain and c section n recovery all that pain I didn't give a f, I alone changed diapers, cleaned her n fed her all by myself from day one but it keeps getting unbearable for me. Breastfeeding pain or pumping pain and thn using all my energy to play with her or make her sleep, I...
  4. D

    Feeling down, 0 support, anxious

    Just wanted to vent a little, my anxiety has been so high. My son will be 3 years old in August, I’ve been feeling really just down and discouraged and tired. I saw someone posted here a while back about being a single dad and crying in the bathroom in secret and I so relate to that. Between...
  5. M

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    Is anyone else just a totally different size and weight and shape after having their kid/kids? I’m 2 years on and about 20 pounds above my pre pregnancy weight (I’m short so that’s a lot). I work out the same amount as I did pre pregnancy (4-5 days a week). I prob eat a slightly worse diet...
  6. S

    My kid called me fat

    I’ll start by saying this- I’m not fat. Not even close. So why did him referring to my “squishy belly” as “fat” make me so sad? Not entirely sure where this post is going… but gosh, this kid (5) has come up with some really hurtful statements these past few months. These are things we...
  7. K

    How do you even give a f@#k?

    Update: this week has gone to complete shit topped out with a staff trying to lie about his leave and backtracking (fraud investigation). The programs are beyond saving, and more people are quitting that hold my position in other counties. I received an offer for a job where I will be working...
  8. C

    I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

    “X family already took their baby for a boat ride at 3 weeks old.” (When I say my 4 month old still is too little and I’m uncomfortable) “X baby started eating solids at 4 months and slept through the night.” (When I say we are still just on breastmilk) “X family went away for a fun weekend...
  9. L

    Anyone else hate working?

    Just a rant. My husband and I both work in sales. We make good money and are good at our jobs. I just HATE working. I do it solely to help provide for my family because without a double income we wouldn’t be able to get by. I have absolutely 0 motivation and want nothing more than just to be a...
  10. S

    Pacifier Wack-a-mole

    Anyone else feel like the middle of the night game of spit the pacifier out and scream is like a game of wack-a-mole. Just spent 20 minutes doing my ✨favorite✨ routine. feed —> baby asleep —> transfer to crib Baby fusses —> put in pacifier Baby —> spits out pacifier —> cries Pacifier in —>...
  11. J

    Just got hired at a new job and also found out I’m pregnant with baby #2

    I have so many questions running through my mind right now. How will this look in terms of requesting time off? I won’t qualify for FMLA since I’ll be at this new job for under a year. What if I have morning sickness? How will I request sick days or handle days in the office? When will it be...
  12. Z

    Visiting the in-laws

    This past week I visited my in-laws. Before I go deeper into the story, I love dogs. I have 2 myself, but they are dogs. I was getting a much needed break and went to take a nap upstairs while my in-laws played with my son, J. I was just about to doze off when I heard a dog fight break out, my...
  13. M

    Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

    Maybe I’m old school, maybe I’m just grouchy, or maybe the last 3 weeks of school have just broken my spirit. That being said… I only consider something worthy of a “graduation” ceremony if the student is earning a degree. I’m just generally annoyed by my kids’ schools insisting on all these...
  14. M

    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    Seriously, why is that a thing? I’m obviously not talking about diagnosed health conditions that can make people justifiably concerned about their fertility. But I just had an argument with a friend who is about to start TTC, and is absolutely convinced she’s going to be infertile because of her...
  15. B

    Late nights and boundaries

    Your opinions please situation is below⬇️ I have a cousin who has a toddler and baby thats a few mos old she’s in her mid to late 30’s. I’ve been asking her for a year to lmk ahead of time when she needs me to babysit and i’ll do it. Yesterday she calls me twice once at 9am and asks if i...
  16. Z

    Should I pull my baby from daycare center?

    My 5 month old daughter has been in daycare since I went back to work when she was 9 weeks old. It’s a local church that has a fairly large daycare center in it and we had heard nothing but great things when we signed her up. Everywhere around here has such a long waitlist and so when a spot...
  17. M

    Caught Herpangina from my kids

    I’m 36/F with two kids, 6 and 11. My kids were sick a couple weeks ago. It seemed like a type x cold. I knew that I was probably going to catch it and so sure enough, last week I started getting sick. It started off like a cold but then on day 4 I quickly deteriorated. My throat erupted in a...
  18. B

    First holiday alone

    Hi, it’s my first holiday alone with my 7 month. I never thought we’d be here and it’s so hard not being able to be with my family due to custody battle. I couldn’t travel and somehow still miss my ex despite knowing this is what’s best. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
  19. L

    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    Mostly venting. I have 3 kids, 5yo twins and a 3 month old. One of my twins is a fantastic sleeper, always has been. The other one has never really slept through the night, and even if he does he’s up before the sun. We have a hatch in their room that lights up at 6:30am, and before baby was...
  20. K

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    I love to Google and research and find out everything I can like a lot of you but I am getting so frustrated by the mainstream (United States) saying don’t rock your baby to sleep, don’t nurse your baby to sleep, don’t soothe, etc. How in the flying eff are people putting their babies to bed if...