
  1. C

    6-7 DPO - cramping and I feel like I’m out

    I’ve had mild cramping all day, at 6-7DPO, I think. I’m 8 days past my positive OPK. AF is due in 8-9 days, so this is a little early for PMS to start but I’m sure that’s all this is. I’m just really frustrated and feel like I’m out this month for some reason. I’ve never had cramping this early...
  2. D

    I think I was threatened at work today

    UPDATE: it’s Friday and a coworker asked me why I was going into the janitor’s closet and I flatly said “Apparently we discriminate against lactating mothers here. Interim director name said this was an acceptable place to pump food for my baby, she said my needs weren’t real and I was just...
  3. P

    Day 7 of Being a Single Dad

    I'm exhausted 😩! I've recently was granted full time custody of my children and my life was flipped upside down. I have two young boys full of energy(my oldest🧩 ),balancing work, childcare, cleaning, cooking, sleep, has been a marathon. Im surviving off of triple espresso TID or Q4hrs PRN(for...
  4. K

    I've hit my glass ceiling..

    I'm a 33 year old single mom working in corporate America. I've always been a hard worker & recognized as such. At my last job, my director told me "I've never seen someone come in and make such a financial impact as you did in such a short time (around 9 months after I started)." He directly...
  5. R

    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    I just felt the need to vent about housing. As the kids grow our small house feels smaller and smaller. The thing that is particularly rough is the noise factor. Smaller house means less space to spread out and everyone can hear everyone. My kids are so loud. I’m constantly asking everyone to...
  6. D


    For the life of me I can’t get blankets as perfect as the crew at the hospital but the Halo brand swaddles have been great. However, lil dudes not even two weeks old yet and one of the Halo swaddles Velcro is already wearing out. I know it’s not the most expensive thing but it’s still 30 bucks...
  7. M

    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    My daughter is 3 years old and we have had very little contact with paternal family. Lately I have initiated more contact and offering to have more meet ups. I recently found out the father’s sister (daughter’s bio aunt) hasn’t told her children that he has a child - the reason being we...
  8. K

    Am I being petty

    Background info: So I have my toddler full time for 90+ percent of a given month (mom not in the picture). A weekend or 3-5 days out of the month she stays with her grandparents (my parents) who are about 2 hours away. I have a group of extended family that we were connected while growing up. I...
  9. I

    Small Gestational Sac

    Hello Everybody! It’s been a bit of an anxiety inducing pregnancy so far and I’m only 9w1d. 34 years old and this is my first pregnancy. On what was supposed to be my 8w2d ultrasound, they changed my estimated due date to 12/4/2024 instead of 11/25, officially making me 7 weeks pregnant at...
  10. S

    Send thoughts and prayers

    Y’all, how?! How the hell do you keep your shit together when you are beyond exhausted? Daycare’s closed for school holidays so I’m trying to work from home with my 7mo… who’s teething. Doing around 4hours overtime every day to get my work done because of all the interruptions. We’re up every...
  11. M

    8 months TTC, 1MC w/ Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism

    I was diagnosed w/ Hashimoto’s and Hypothroidism in April 2018. I was exhausted 24/7, even w/ adequate sleep, had brain fog, weight gain, some increased hair loss, etc. Started Levothyroxine and felt better pretty immediately. The following month I same my gyno and had my nexplanon removed and...
  12. E

    My ex dumped his kid on me and my life is in shambles

    To start off recently i have been crying every night, i don’t know what to do with myself. Iv been a single mother for 10 years now to my son Jade. His father and I were never married and to be honest I never really knew him at all. It was a dumb 19 year old me thing to do. I gave birth and...
  13. A

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    Cross-posted to another sub last night. A couple of answers said I should call CPS. Wanna make sure this is the right thing to do since I'm not a parent so any advice from parents here would be greatly appreciated! My childhood best friend of 15+ years is a single mom of two kids under 4 y/o...
  14. T

    I'm Proud Of Me

    It can be so easy to beat myself up about all of the things I need to do better as a single mom, but today I feel proud of myself. I'm a full-time content creator and today I had to upload a morning routine video that was sponsored by a productivity daily planner and after I posted it I watched...
  15. S

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    I think the answer is no, but I’m just looking for some solidarity from others. Husband and I both have decent incomes. We live in a HCOL area, and have 2 kids in daycare. Even with two daycares, it’s still worth it to keep working. We only have one car to cut down on costs, we bought a house...
  16. R

    Crossing the 6 month mark

    My partner and I just passed 6 months of trying. I know this isn’t long at all in the scheme of things and I know technically speaking anything under a year is considered healthy and normal, but this milestone has hit me harder than I expected. Some of the numbers around conception rates at...
  17. S

    Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

    My youngest goes to a full time daycare/preschool and will be “graduating” in a few weeks. The calendar says graduation will be after 4pm. Apparently I missed a one-liner in last month’s newsletter that the graduation is now 9:30. I just learned about the time switch today. I’m a teacher. Our...
  18. J

    The world is not made for single parents

    It's frustrating to feel like I'm doing everything I possibly can be and still failing. My son is 15, he made it into drum line for his school marching band. Im very excited for him and proud of him, he's been playing drums for years and this was his goal. My problem lies in summer band...
  19. H


    So my husband and I had a visit with my family in law yesterday (outside, masked), and there were just some things that really made me feel like either I wasn’t doing a good job or I didn’t know my babe best. But I’ve decided “f**k that! I know my kid best. Yes sometimes it takes 30-60 mins to...
  20. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    The thing that’s been giving me nightmares, the announcement that I just KNEW was coming but couldn’t seem to emotionally prepare myself for no matter how hard I tried. My sister in law (who is almost 7 years younger than me) and her brand new husband (who is 10 years younger) announced their...