
  1. T

    Desperate for help. Please.

    Hi all. I've been a lurker on this sub reddit for some time. I'm a FTM to a beautiful 8 month old baby boy (he will be 9 months on May 26). He was a wonderful sleeper as a newborn. I thought we had a unicorn. Then, the 4 and 6 month regression hit hard ans aligned perfectly with his...
  2. P

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    My baby simply won’t sleep for more then 45 minutes in her crib. I’m so tired. I’m at the point of feeling frustrated with the situation. It’s been months. I take care of baby on my own all night and all day, maybe on the weekend her dad will take her for a couple hours. I’m just so tired. I...
  3. C

    I'm so confused, need direction? Drowsy but awake. Cross post from r/sleeptrain where I only got a spam message. 😭

    So this is my 2nd. I was able to put my 1st down drowsey but awake. I don't remember when I started with her. I wish I kept better inventory in my head of things. She also slept through the night but I also don't remember when, but it was before the 4 mo sleep regression. My 2nd (10 weeks this...
  4. C

    Help! Baby suddenly cries hysterically at bedtime

    My 3.5 month old usually has a very solid routine of 5 naps and sleeps well at night waking up only once to feed. Usually he goes down super easy at bedtime - we have a routine of bath + massage + pjs + feed and cot. He has dropped a nap himself and now he’s doing 4 naps for the past few days...
  5. R

    How To Gently Stop Family Bed Situation

    Hi everyone! I currently have a 2.5y/o as well as a newly 1 y/o. We have been doing a family bed situation for quite some time now and I think it’s finally time to stop. Originally, we were getting more sleep by doing the family bed situation but now I feel like everyone’s sleep is taking an...
  6. A

    Floor bed question

    Ok this might be a dumb question but I am very sleep deprived. Our 9 month old has a floor bed and moved into her own room about 2 months ago. Bedtime is 7pm, we get her up at about 6:30am to go to the babysitter’s house, and she usually wakes up around midnight for a bottle. But lately she is...
  7. L

    safe sleep 7

    im a mom of two (3 week old girl, 4 year old boy) and sleep has been nonexistent. im exclusively breastfeeding my newborn daughter, she nurses to sleep and also for comfort lots of nights. i heard about safe sleep 7 and it seems like it would be my best option to get myself the rest i do...
  8. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    From 6 weeks (after getting cleared from pediatrician to stop waking for night feeds) until 4 months my baby only would wake once for a bottle around 2-4am after going to bed at 7ish. During the four month regression we where hit hard and did whatever we could to just get through and we came out...
  9. V

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    Just wanted to share my current situation for those who can relate or are looking for solutions. It’s been a long journey. The main problem for context: even with bed sharing I rarely get a 3 hour stretch of sleep. Going on 13 months of sleep deprivation and my mental health is tenuous. The...
  10. O

    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    She used to sleep beside us in her pack n play. But now at almost 8 months she screams if I try to put her into it. I always try because I prefer she sleeps in there. But by midnight the past two weeks she’s in our bed for the night (used to be 5 am). Maybe it’s the 8 month regression, I...
  11. D

    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    Since month 5.5 our son has been waking every 1-1.5hrs at night. We do the whole routine of bath, milk, pjs, and rock/feed in the chair with bottle to sleep and then transfer and his wake windows are perfect because his naps have significantly improved at the 6.5month mark.. But only NOW is he...
  12. A

    Transition from room-sharing to nursery at 10 months

    Hi! Thought I’d come here because all the advice I’m getting is all sleep training/CIO related and I don’t want to do that. My 10 month old sleeps with me in the guest room in a pack n play. We did this because I wasnt ready to stop room-sharing but my husband’s early morning alarm was waking...
  13. G

    Sleep stretch (4-2-1-1-1-1) - 3 month old

    My 3-month-old baby started stretching the first sleep at night to 4-4.5 hours. This happened around 5 weeks old and was a big relief. However, after this initial stretch, he wakes up almost every hour and sometimes it is difficulty to make him fall back to sleep. Any tips on what can be done...
  14. A

    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    My baby has a hard time staying asleep at night. When it gets dark he cries more and he wants his pacifier more. If his pacifier comes out he cries until l put it back in and then the cycle continues, should l let him cry it out until he sleeps. Sometimes he just stays up looking at me and...
  15. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    My 7.5 week old has been pretty good w naps so far. So good that in the beginning (first 3 weeks), she would even nap up to 5 hrs and I thought I hit the lottery..until week 4 where she started to cluster feed from midnight to early morning and I realized that her day and night was switched...
  16. S

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    My friend just said to me that her baby sleeps through the night with 2 night feeds. To me, sleeping through the night is not waking for a feed during their “bedtime” hours e.g. 7.30pm-7am What’s your definition of sleeping through the night?
  17. X

    Baby Rotato

    Help!! My baby won’t stop rotating in her crib. I’ve searched high and low and it seems the general consensus is either A.) She will stop when she starts rolling or B.) It’s a phase and will only last a few weeks She is 17 weeks old and has been doing this since she was 8 weeks old. She...
  18. T

    Why is my newly 2 m/o sleeping all day today?

    He’s never done this before. He’s woken up to eat and back to sleep for 2-3 hours all day. He’s already a big boy for his age. No signs of sickness.. what’s going on? He’s usually up most of the day/short naps.
  19. G

    8 month old schedule help

    Really struggling with how to get some help with my baby’s sleep that doesn’t include any level of CIO/sleep training. I feel strongly that it’s a schedule issue that I just can’t figure out and looking for advice! Some background on baby- 8 months old fomo baby, has always been a cat napper...
  20. A

    8 week old - terrible bedtime, great night

    I’m having a weird issue with my 8 week old daughter (will be 2 months on Tuesday). She sleeps swaddled in her crib with white noise. I sleep on a mat next to her crib. She’s doing GREAT overnight. I’m getting two 4-5 hour stretches out of her. I’m getting good at knowing when she’s waking to...