
  1. S

    Preschool? She just turned two.

    I need some back and forth because my mom anxiety isn't letting me think straight. So my daughter just turned 2 this month. Our only current care option that is affordable is a pre‐school that opened nearby. The told us a lot about how they are Waldorf/Vygotsky school and something about Tools...
  2. E

    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    I’m curious what happens to infants with parent-led sleep associations (I.e. need support falling asleep after each sleep cycle) who are not sleep trained. However, I’m not looking for the pros and cons of sleep training :) I can find lots of info on that online but having trouble finding out...
  3. E

    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    UPDATE: it was the most likely answer. Grandma was wrong, dad is B+. I’m not sure where else to ask, and it looks like this might be my best bet! I was always under the impression that O+ and O+ would make another O+ but kiddo is apparently B+! From what I’ve read, that suggests that: one of...
  4. X

    Egg allergy that gets worse before it gets better?

    My daughter has an egg allergy. 1 year ago when she was around 10 months old, she tested at 2.2 IgE kU/L. This year, after a year of baked egg goods, her levels had risen to 11.8 IgE kU/L, pushing her from a Category 2 to Category 3. The allergist basically told us that they are not sure why...
  5. E

    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    We have a 7 week-old l/o who will only turn his head to the left when laying on his back. We have tried to promote turning to the right while on his back by placing stimulating items and interacting with him on his right and making the left side unstimulating, but he will just shift his eyes to...
  6. N

    Guidance for limits in roaming privileges for a ten year old? Does my break-down of limits align with development?

    EDIT It is not anxiety that made this post so long. I have ADHD and was raised in an abusive/neglectful home and am over-compensating as a trauma recovery process. I shouldn’t have to disclose my medical and trauma history in order for a question to be taken seriously - y’all have some serious...
  7. V

    Seating in front of a campfire smoke, implication to our and our children health?

    Hello, I'm looking for any study, or even YT videos regarding air pollution around the fire pit - but no luck so far :( I would like to build some some smokeless fire pit for my family (like this one ) Does anyone of you have a PM particle monitor/air pollution monitor and could measure the...
  8. L

    Strategies for soothing separation anxiety when 8 month old is with his dad?

    My 8.5 month old baby is in the midst of a number of developmental leaps at the moment (standing up, starting to cruise, increased babbling, pincer grasp, teething...) and has had a major increase in separation anxiety to go along with it. He has always been super attached to me; we're...
  9. S

    Eating behavior in babies/toddlers - what to support, when to actively intervene?

    As father of a nearly one year old and with a strongly food related background, I wonder about eating habits in my daughter and other toddlers in my surrounding. I know there are rough suggestions like a food pyramid for kids a.s.o., together with "each kid is different, don't push anything too...
  10. G

    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    My husband and I are expecting our daughter in early December. I am all about gentle parenting but he doesn't know much about it. He agrees with spanking depending on the situation and I do not. I want to have a good discussion with him about our personal views on parenting so we can get a...
  11. Y

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    My baby is finally wanting something to suck on. (9+ weeks) He hasn’t cared much for the pacifier, but we’ve tried since week one, and continue to do so. He will take to it maybe once a day. He just recently started getting his hand to his mouth, but I’d honestly rather him not get into the...
  12. P

    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    I am on a low-carb diet and have been for years (about 50-100 g/day). I was tested for gestational diabetes using the following protocol: on March 7: about 2 hours after eating 2 hard boiled eggs and an espresso with cream: HBA1C 4.9% or 30.1 mmol/L Blood sugar in Serum: 70 mg/dL on March...
  13. T

    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    Posted in r/exclusivepumping and recommended to post here I became a FTM to twins 8 weeks ago this Thursday! After lots of triple feeding and really trying to make breastfeeding work, I went to exclusive pumping last week and it's worked so much better for us, and has been a life saver for my...
  14. C

    pack n play safe sleep?

    I'm wondering if a pack n play (with nothing else in it besides what it comes with) is considered safe sleep? My 11lb preemie just started rolling so (I didn't realize this) we need to transition her out of her bassinet. I don't feel ready for her to sleep in her own room and our house is small...
  15. H

    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    Our 7-week old baby is exclusively formula-fed and has been low-key struggling with constipation from birth. We’re consulting with healthcare providers to find ways to make it better for her. One nurse has suggested adding a small amount of extra water to every formula bottle, so as to “ensure...
  16. N

    Radon in an older home

    Hi all, I am living in a finished basement apartment with my toddler and infant while we remodel our upstairs living areas over the next couple years. TLDR is I don’t know how dangerous it actually is to have young kids exposed to any given level of radon for any amount of time, and I don’t...
  17. C

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds?

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds? I've heard of creating invitations to play and process art... I'd love to learn more about the former (like how to do it well), and other things we could do as parents. I'm interested in creativity in the broadest...
  18. E

    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    My in laws exposed my 4 month old to covid today without telling me anyone was sick. I had a very low breastmilk supply and stopped pumping at 3 months PP. Bc breastmilk has more nutrients and antibodies, I saved some of my milk before I stopped. I have a few bags frozen in the freezer but not a...
  19. F

    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    I know Emily Oster is controversial here. I don’t necessarily agree with all of her takes nor do I think (unfortunately) she’s necessarily great at assessing the state of the field on every topic she writes on, and I don’t always agree with how she presents the data she does share. However - I...
  20. M

    Cross-post: EMF safety in baby's room

    Cross-posted to nostupidquestions because. I'm a paranoid mom (with diagnosed OCD!), so please bear with me. I purchased an EMF and v/m meter and measured the wall my baby's crib is against. It measured 2.17 uT at its highest. There's Wi-Fi enabled pool equipment on the other side of thee wall...