
  1. S

    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    My partner (F) has made friends with another mother at school in the last year. (let's call her "J" ). "J" has a boy and we have a 5yr old girl in the same class and the kids are friends, my wife is kind of friends with "J" although it seems it is always "J" that will be instigating all contact...
  2. J

    My mom found my belly piercing

    I’m a 20 F, I got my belly piercing done in march for my 20th birthday. It’s been 10 months. I am from a very strict Arab Muslim household. My mom found my belly piercing today and she totally lost it. I’ve been wanting to tell her but this year has just been very chaotic and family drama and...
  3. R

    What should I bring for a 3-day hospital visit for a 2.5 y/o?

    My 2.5 y/o daughter needs to go into the hospital for 3 days. She's getting an extended EEG. I will be there the whole time with her. Her Mom will be there a lot, but won't sleep there. What should I bring to help make this bearable for her? We got the obvious (stuffed animals, toys, ipad) but...
  4. R

    How do I tell my parents I was SA’d

    Hi guys. I wanted to know how I should go about telling my mom I was sexually assaulted. I’m very scared and I tell her everything, but this was the one time I kept something from her. I feel like I betrayed her trust. I feel like I also betrayed myself. If any parents have recommendations how...
  5. H

    Don’t y’all miss this fisher price banger

    Maybe you could be a purple monkey in a bubble gum tree..
  6. K

    Do you consider it "taboo" for a boy to see the diaper changing of his baby sister?

    I was having a discussion with my husband, and I asked him if he ever changed a diaper before (because he has younger siblings) and he mentioned that whenever his mom would change his baby sister's diaper, she'd always tell him to go away, and that it's more or less a "shame" to see. I had an...
  7. S

    How did you prep your toddler for your C-section?

    Who did you have watch them? How long? Did you practice before. How were they when you got home? Any tips for making it easier on them?
  8. F

    Bringing a child into this world concerns

    How did u rationalize wanting to create/ raise/nurture your child when the world's issues keep growing? American economy- so difficult to succeed as a millennial (getting a good job to afford bills, house, and simple life enjoyments), will our kids suffer worse? I don't want my kid to live w me...
  9. S

    Omega 3 w/o allergens

    Anyone know omega 3 supplements for a 2 year old that doesn't contain flaxseeds, peanuts, egg, soy, or fish?
  10. P

    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    For those who celebrate, I’d love to know what you’re getting your kiddos and sharing ideas. Our 15 month old is really into taking stuff out of cupboards and bringing them to us. Might get him a play kitchen but I’m not sure if it’s too advanced. What about you- what are you...
  11. B

    What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

    Just curious what your family plans to do! I’m having trouble deciding what I’d like this year.
  12. A

    parents are mad i’m moving out

    so my parents are mad i’m moving out n they think i kept it a secret from them when i didn’t even know i was gonna get approved(another person applied too) and just got approved today and get my keys tomorrow and it’s just like why won’t they be happy for me? or be happy i’m confident enough to...
  13. H

    Iron infusion q- how long did it take for y’all to feel better?

    38 weeks, 2nd pregnancy. Exhausted and thought it was from working full time, raising a toddler, running a household and staying active. Turns out I’m severely anemic and got my first infusion today. Hopefully I’ll be in a good spot by the time my due date rolls around. How long did it take...
  14. R

    Anyone else having fun explaining to their partner why you bought x,y, & z?

    I’m now 21+4, and my anatomy scan went great. So, I’m now buying everything we need (leaving a lot of little stuff for the baby shower), and my husband is getting overwhelmed. I first bought an Uppababy Ridge stroller (Jogger), and then today I bought the Uppababy Minu V2 ( compact travel)...
  15. I

    1 y/o refusing table food

    Does any one have any advice on how to get my baby to eat table food?! He’s 15 months old and only eats baby oatmeal with yogurt, apple sauce or baby food.. any time I have tried to feed him any and fruit, veggies, pasta, even cake! He won’t eat it as soon as the food hits his mouth he spits it...
  16. C

    Ovulation with negative OPK?

    Hi every one I am 20 days post d&c for MMC at 11 weeks, baby was measuring 8 weeks. Recovery was ok physically, I have been monitoring with OPK but I was inconsistent with due to positive HPT. 4 days ago I tested negative on HPT, and started opk all were negative. 3 days ago also I begun to...
  17. T

    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    Hi. So I’m 14 and earlier tonight, I was eating, watching the wrestlemania press conference and when I was waiting for my food to finish my mom started talking about how she’s tired of having to write stuff on the board or asking for simple things like washing the dishes, or sweeping the kitchen...
  18. K

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    I just find a crying baby to be extremely bothersome to me. I’m helping my lovely wife as much as i can with preparing food for us, cleaning, shopping, holding him when she needs some time, etc. I guess i’m just simply not understanding why this is so wonderful (as everyone expressed to me)...
  19. W

    Prenatal Gummy Suggestions?

    Hello! I’m one month in trying for a baby, my doctor and my fiancés doctor told me get on prenatal vitamins right away. One big problem is that I have a terrible time trying to swallow pills especially huge ones. I would rather take gummies and take smaller pills if I’m missing something. I made...
  20. J

    What did your kids have for lunch this week

    Include age ranges too please! I'm in a lunch rut and as my littlest's appetite has grown we have less dinner leftovers for lunch haha.