
  1. H

    3-Year-Old Twin Recent Behavior Problems at Preschool

    I have 3-year-old twin boys (birthdays in October) and an 8-year-old daughter. Over the past 3 weeks or so, one of my twins (I’ll call him Twin B) started having behavioral problems at preschool. He started hitting, kicking, spitting (well, more like raspberry-ing at you), screaming, and...
  2. K

    9 yo boy - sneaking food/hiding wrappers

    Hoping for some insight- My 9yo has been doing some interesting things with food habits lately. Incident 1) Had taken several regular sizes candy bars from closet (my husband works for a candy company and these weren’t actually to be consumed but to be given to customers -9 yo knows this)...
  3. B

    I need some serious help

    So here's the problem. My youngest twins cry when I drop them off at school and refuse to go into school. We live in japan. The are 2nd grade elementary. Almost 8 years old Bad home environment, mean/violent mommy. Overly caring daddy (me) We speak 2 different languages, but they can understand...
  4. I

    My child (8) keeps saying “It made me do it!”

    So for context. In the last I’d say month my kid keeps acting out, BAD!! Peeing on the couch when the bathroom was free, putting salt and also peeing in a tea pitcher full of tea, spending $40 on the PS store within 10 minutes, just all around acting out. I mean, there is more. These are just...
  5. A

    My First Day in Drug Rehab

    My first day of drug rehab at the psychiatric orphanage in 1993 was a moonlit path to a health immunity that covered me well into college and beyond. Encountering a psych tech resembling a Hooters waitress like her first time on a wedding night bestowing BENEFEDS federal witness relocation...
  6. S

    BASC 3 scoring

    Does anyone know how I can get this scored online? Or do myself? It's for a 4 year old. Had a consult with a psychologist today who gave me this to fill out about my son. The interaction between me and the doctor was pretty useless. He was probably in his 80s (not that age automatically means...
  7. L

    i was shown porn at age 9 by my best friend

    When I was in the shower my mom recently reminded me that in like grade 3 my friend showed me porn every time we hung out and my mom only knew about it because she was helping me find a song in my youtube history and it was filled with that because my friend of looked it up on my ipod when we...
  8. M

    Daughter (5) misbehaving at school before she goes to her dads for the weekend

    I guess I’m halfway venting and halfway asking for advice with this post. My daughter, who is five and in Pre-k, has been having behavioral issues at school and there is a direct correlation between her behavior and the times she is going to be visiting her dad the following weekend. She’s...
  9. F

    Is there any truth to this video about kids during meltdowns / tantrums?

    My question is in reference to this video, where the presenter says that during a meltdown a child's brain becomes 'disconnected' and 'they can't even hear you'. His phrasing is very non-scientific (the bit about 'their brain not communicating with their frontal lobes' doesn't really make...
  10. C

    Help with night terrors

    My son is in grade 1 and turned 7 in April. He’s had episodes of night terrors in the past, typically brought on by fatigue or stress. The first was when my wife assaulted me in front of him (hasn’t happened since). Then once when he was very tired and missed a nap. Then again when another adult...
  11. L

    9 year old broke our giant flatscreen tv in a fit of rage - What should we do?

    not sure if this belongs here, but I figured I’d try. TLDR at the end I live with my brother and his two sons (14 and 9). The kids have a giant 2008 or 2010 Samsung flatscreen TV that was previously in the living room before we got a new one last year. We didn’t want to throw it out, it still...
  12. M

    5yF, painfully shy, fearful of everything

    Hi all. I have a beautiful and smart 5y girl. By all accounts, she is a healthy and normal child. She was advanced a year in her crèche group. She wanted a bike for her Bday at the start of December. On her bday, she was practicing riding on her bike. That was the last she did. This morning...
  13. A

    My sister won't let me see my nephew who I raised

    I am a F 29 y/o and my sister is 37 y/o. She has twin boys that are 4 years old, Mason and Michael. When they were born 4 years ago she came over our house and stayed here for 3.5 months to get adjusted to being a new mom and our help. My sister has always been ungrateful. My younger sister and...