
  1. V

    Desperate for Help: Our 7-Year-Old Daughter is in Crisis and We're Struggling to Cope

    Hey Reddit, We're in a dire situation with our 7-year-old daughter and we desperately need advice and support. Over the past week, our family has been barely hanging on through her meltdowns, getting only 1 to 5 hours of sleep a night, and making 2 ER visits. She has always had high anxiety and...
  2. E

    3yr old child won’t stop touching mother’s breasts?

    child (3M) stopped breastfeeding from mom (24f) a couple months after his baby brother (5mo,M) was born. Boy gropes the mom, touches/pinches nipples, finds excuses just to touch. Getting to the point where it’s seems obsessive and the child/mom need to even sleep separately? Mom has expressed to...
  3. C

    Attachment and Sleep Research

    Hi everyone! I am looking for parents of children aged between 2 and 6 years old to complete the survey below. Data will be used for my MSc Developmental Psychology research - all participant data will be completely confidential and anonymised. Thank you in advance...
  4. J

    Toddler (M, 7) showing violent outbursts harming parents, himself and siblings

    I (F, 18) have a little brother (M, 7) who is one of the most difficult kids i have come across and no i dont say that lightly. for some context, in no way shape or form are our parents amazing, no, i am doing everything i can in my power to be out of the house as soon as i finish 12th grade...
  5. M

    People in the psychology field

    I’m a psychology major. This week for my assignment I have to ask people in the field about their journey into their profession. Positive and negative aspects of the job and any advice you have. I would love to hear what y’all have to say!
  6. T

    i cant interact w/kids because i had no imagine or creativity as a child ???

    ok this may sound a bit confusing so bare with me here please lol. so i, even as a very young kid, never had the ability to imagine certain things and create scenarios like the other kids did while playing. for example when playing with dolls, other kids would make different voices for them...
  7. L

    My (4 M) son is having a hard time sleeping because he is afraid of something happening to me (38 f)

    My little boy does not want to go to sleep at night. He says that he is scared someone will take me, that spiders will get me, that Freddy or Jason will come hurt me (I did NOT let him watch scary movies. That was his dad during his time with them). A little background. His father and I...
  8. A

    How do I talk about drugs and death to my toddler?

    How do I talk about death to a child? My son's (1 y.o.) loving and wonderful father died from a heroin overdose in 2020. I will never be the same but my son will not remember this happening to us, he was only 6 months old when he passed away. I want him to grow up always knowing the truth about...
  9. S

    My 5 y/o says he thinks he is ugly. is this normal/a phase?

    Trying to not be biased but my kid is actually a pretty one, in fact he is quite popular at kindergarten, but out of nowhere he started saying he didn't like his face and he is quite specific about it. He says he doesn't like his eyes and the shape of his head and he even gets a bit emotional...
  10. N

    My 6 year old son's drawings are worrying....l

    So my 6 year old son loves to draw and is rather good at it for his age, however, his drawings depict dark imagery based off of Christianity and Satanism. He's never been exposed to anything like it but he somehow draws it. We aren't a church family so I'm worried and confused.
  11. M

    Nephew is fathers emotional punching bag. How can I give him the tools to be mentally strong?

    For context, my brother has not been officially diagnosed but has all the characteristics of bp and narcissism. Without getting into too many details, father basically takes out his frustration on his son, constantly criticizing him in everything he does, only focuses on his negatives, he speaks...
  12. P

    Please, serious answers, this will be long, but I need help about my daughter, 8

    I try to make it short and specific as possible. I’m 29, f, I live abroad with my boyfriend, 31. We live in his country with my daughter (his step daughter), and my son (his son) My daughter still to this day does not know that my boyfriend is her step father. He stepped into our lives since I...
  13. E

    My 2.5 yr old keeps barking

    My 2.5 year old has been in a barking “stage” for almost 6 months. He doesn’t do it all the time, but he does it every day. He does it when he’s angry, uncomfortable (like with new people sometimes), when he wants attention, to play pretend, and to mimic our dog when he’s barking. Does anyone...
  14. K

    Where are the gaps in navigating mental health care for loved ones?

    My name is Isabel, I am with a group of student researchers from MIT and NYU. We are looking at the impact of mental health throughout the United States, with focus in the Northeast, and are looking to hear the stories of those currently navigating their own mental health to understand deeper...
  15. D


    Many of my friends and I fall victim to child abuse, so we’re planning to take action in our school district by showing our school the evidence of the amount of child abuse cases collected through this survey. Even though you are not a victim, it is okay to fill this out. We want as accurate...
  16. M

    Acting mute at school during childhood after coming back from vacation

    Hi, just reminiscing and wondering what was up with me as a kid. At the time, what I did seemed logical but it was unusual lol. Maybe not long after I started kindergarten, I went on vacation. When I came back, I believed I couldn't remember anything that happened in kindergarten before the...
  17. L

    Child Psych Material Recommendations

    Hi, everyone. I am currently an undergrad student in a psych program. I plan to become a child & adolescent therapist. No university in my state has anything specifically geared toward children or adolescent except for 1 class each in the program I’m in. I can get a specialty in this area once I...
  18. P

    How should I approach/bond with a 4 year old who was abandoned by her mother?

    Sorry for this being soooo long. For a little back story, I (28F) have a friend (32M)from high school who has a 4 year old daughter that was abandoned by her mother before she was 2yo. I left our state to move 800 miles away for 6 years, so I was not around for that situation. However I recently...
  19. N

    Nail polish for kids??

    We are a patchwork family. One of our kids is a sweet 4.5 year old girl. Her father, where she stays almost half the time lets her put on nail polish, which is made especially for kids (doesn’t stay on so long and is less toxic I guess. Hope…), both on her finger nails and toe nails. Is that...
  20. P

    Mother of 8yo wants to tell her that her biological father died and I'm not her biological father

    I met this woman 5 years ago, we were in a serious relationship. She had an almost 3 year old daughter when we met, things got serious and I agreed that if her daughter wanted to call me Dad I would step up to that role and that no matter what happens I would be her Father forever. I have been...