pregnancy after 35

  1. C

    Should I be worried?

    I’m 38, will be 39 in August and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have two amazing boys 18 and 13, and didn’t have pregnancy worries with them. I had my first appointment two days ago at 5 weeks and 5 days. My dr scheduled an ultrasound in 2 weeks and did labs. I got the results back on the app today...
  2. M

    Genetic Testing anxiety

    I’m 7w+1 and 38 y/o (will be 39 when I deliver). Went for my first ultrasound 2 days ago and everything looked great (and ruled out an ectopic which was a HUGE relief). Scheduled my NIPT in 2 weeks (will be 9w) and second trimester ultrasound including nuchal translucency scan in 5 weeks (will...
  3. M

    35 with a 16 year old and pregnant!!

    Oh my God I can’t even believe I’m writing this. I was a single mom my 16 year old sons whole life. I stayed single and never lived with a man because my son was my whole focus. About 2 years ago I met someone younger (26) who was everything I didn’t know I needed and he moved in about 6 months...
  4. J

    4-5 weeks pregnant and bleeding

    Long post & TW ectopic pregnancy I’m looking to gather people’s experiences (good or bad) to easy my mind until next week. 3 years ago I had an ectopic pregnancy, related or not idk. I recent found out I’m pregnant estimates 4-5 weeks (unsure ovulation date) went in yesterday for vaginal...
  5. G

    Bleeding in early pregnancy, chemical pregnancy?

    I had a MMC in 3/12 after almost a year of infertility. Ever since my D&C I've been getting a wipe of bright red blood every 4-5 days along with brown spotting. I tested negative on 4/1 but positive on Thursday. I had my hcg tested Friday and it was 24. I go in tomorrow for a repeat hcg but I'm...
  6. L

    Perinatal Heart Beat Monitor Survey

    Hi everyone, I am a UX intern at a start up company which is creating an at-home heart rate monitor/app for expecting mothers. My team created a survey to collect info on what info users find important when using a device like this. If you have a moment to take the short survey that would be...
  7. D

    TWW fun ‘til Monday!

    So- I’m 42. Last year I met my amazing partner just as I was starting hormone treatment for solo IVF. (Yea, I know!! Loll) The FET didn’t work then but just about year later my guy and I have moved in together, and everything is going extremely well for us! We’ve talked about revisiting the...
  8. S

    C Section Recovery

    I am 4 weeks post partum from a C section. About a week ago I started getting shooting pains in and around the incision (no signs of infection, the incision itself is healing nicely). The bigger issue is about 2 days ago I started having pain above the incision, the overhang part above the...
  9. T

    HCG not doubling

    I'm just a mess. After 2 years of trying, 3 Chemicals and 1 MMC at 6 weeks, unexplained infertility, I just don't know what to think. Here are my 7 HCG results: March 28th: 32.1 (approx. 15 DPO) April 1st: 90.6 April 3rd: 202.8 April 5th: 485 April 8th: 923.5 (not quite doubling in 72...