pregnancy after 35

  1. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    So I posted a few weeks ago about keeping my legs up after sex and I received such good advice and even bought a menstrual cup to use after sex. Well I took 3 pregnancy tests and they were all positive!!! My husband (47m) and I (39F) were going to give up actively trying in May after trying...
  2. P

    Unexpected anxiety

    For some reason, the stats on genetic anomalies didn’t phase me one bit (honestly, didn’t even look at any #s) before getting pregnant. Which probably sounds irresponsible but it seems so commonplace to wait until later to become parents these days. BUT , Now that we are well into our first...
  3. S

    Unplanned 3rd

    14 weeks pregnant, 3rd child , youngest is 5. This was a planned pregnancy but I can’t help but feel regret and dread. I forgot how much you lose yourself in motherhood. How insecure you feel while pregnant . I don’t know if I should start taking antidepressants, I’m so scared it will harm the...
  4. D

    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    I’m 47, my wife is 43. Last September we had the 20th anniversary and in November we finally went to the Dr and the wife was pregnant. Pregnancy went fine until last week. The wife’s BP shot up so they decided to induce early. Baby was due June 15th. We had him on May 23rd. Delivery was fine...
  5. B

    First-time pregnancy! Turning 40 in two months :)

    I'm overjoyed. My partner of nearly 9 years and I are sort of late bloomers... we really decided that we wanted to become parents just a couple of years ago, and have only been trying in earnest for about 8 months or so. I think I had come to believe it might not be possible, as I have never...
  6. C

    How to convince my sister

    So I’m 37 and will be 38 in May. I was in engaged but my fiancé committed suicide. I don’t have anyone to have children with yet. It has been six months and I still want children yet my sister tells me I’m too old for that and I should just adopt. I really want to experience pregnancy and have a...
  7. T

    Suppose to be happy, but I’m stressed

    Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss After 2 chemical pregnancies, trying for a year and fertility treatment with hormones we got the positive we were praying for! I took the trigger shot (ovulation injection) and had timed intercourse September 20th and 21st. With those calculations and date of my...
  8. S

    When to try for a second?

    I have a 7 month old and will be turning 40 next week. We thought we were one and done but are considering having another baby. My doctor said she usually recommends waiting at least 18 months between pregnancies but because of my age I can start trying when I’m 1 year postpartum. I had an...
  9. D

    How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive

    I’m 42 and after many unsuccessful IVF treatments, I became pregnant naturally and miscarried at 8 weeks. I’m wondering if women are able to carry a healthy pregnancy to term after having miscarriages this late in life.
  10. X

    Pregnant with thyroid disease- feeling worse?

    Hi there- 12 weeks pregnant and my endo wants to switch me from Armour to Synthroid. Has anyone switched to just T4 while pregnant, and if so, how did it go for you? Did you get all of your hypo symptoms back? I’m worried about switching, as I’ve felt terrible on just synthetic before, but want...
  11. S

    First time pregnant- NIPT all clear

    I just want to share good news, as I had been stressing over NIPT results due to my age (37 years old, will turn 38 two months after delivery). My tests came back all clear! The NT scan was perfect! It really reassured me. My doctor told me my risks based on age were statistically 1:161. And...
  12. M

    Thyroid question help

    Hi- first time Pregnant. I am 8 weeks and have Hashimoto's Thyroid disease. I let my endocrine doctor know that I was pregnant did a blood test and tsh levels were a 4.0. About a month later I get more bloodwork and now my tsh is 5.98. I'm really concerned about neurological development for the...
  13. D

    Seems the wife could be pregnant at 42

    Hello ladies and gents, So I’m 46, wife is 42. She’s missed 2 cycles and thought it may be early menopause starting. Her smell has changed and she’s tired. She took a test and the line is faint but it’s there. We thought we were done with kids. We have 3 kids 17, 15,& 10. We are scheduling...
  14. C

    Risk factors when you’ve already had a special needs child

    Unexpectedly expecting at 41 (7 weeks today). My kiddos are 8 and 11 so it’s been awhile since I’ve been through this and I was under 35 at the time. I remember there being standard genetic testing, but I’m wondering what to expect this time around. My oldest has significant support needs (what...
  15. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    I’m 10 weeks FTM at 39 and had my first ultrasound today. I was so worried I wouldn’t see a heartbeat, but it was there right away and the baby was very active. It wouldn’t sit still for the tech to take a good pic but I am already in love. Now that it’s totally real to me I am concerned about...
  16. C

    Amnio for NT 3.0mm?

    I’m 40. - NT scan measured 3mm, which was flagged as borderline normal. - NIPT was tagged as low risk at 1/10,000. - Anatomy scan at 20 weeks measurements were at 10th percentile on all fronts (CRL, head, abdomen, femurs), which OB said is normal as I’m very petite (5’0”, 90 pounds, I’m...
  17. B

    Positive Parenting Subreddit

    (Mods please delete if not welcome) Hey friends, I’ve seen a lot of posts about negativity in pregnancy/parenting groups. I’ve also seen a lot of people asking for a positive space as well. I get it, everyone needs a space to yell into a void occasionally. But shouldn’t we all get a space...
  18. J

    38, 9weeks pregnant w GD and UTI

    Would like to ask any pregnant women here who have gestational diabetes, do you have itchy V? It’s my first time being pregnant and my OB says not to feel depressed, I am getting depressed cuz of these complications I got.
  19. G

    Absolutely insane digestion

    Hello! I’m 35(f) FTM so just a nervous Nellie all around. Went in for my first ultrasound yesterday and saw the heartbeat and everything looked good which was reassuring at the time but now I’m back to being worried again (I’m about 7w5d btw) I would say the vast majority of my pregnancy I have...
  20. C

    Should I be worried?

    I’m 38, will be 39 in August and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have two amazing boys 18 and 13, and didn’t have pregnancy worries with them. I had my first appointment two days ago at 5 weeks and 5 days. My dr scheduled an ultrasound in 2 weeks and did labs. I got the results back on the app today...