not a parent

  1. T

    Kids fashion : alternatives to SHEIN?

    Hi all, this is a bit of a stab in the dark, but I’m trying to buy my ten year old niece either some cool clothes, or a gift card to a store she likes. When I asked family what she would like, they said clothing would be awesome, as she’s already 5’7” and has been rapidly outgrowing things. I’m...
  2. N

    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    I’m a Pre-K teacher, and this is something that I’ve always wanted to ask parents about. It is incredibly frustrating when people consider Pre-K to be nothing more than “daycare.” Being treated as a “babysitter”rather than an educator can feel very demeaning. What is your thought process behind...
  3. P


    Hello I’m 18 I’m kinda curious if anyone else’s teens do this so I’m usually up pretty late I’m a night owl and I like to stay up till around 2am sometimes I like to go to the kitchen and get a snack in the middle of the night does anyone’s else’s teen do this and if so do u do anything about it?
  4. A

    How do I tell my antivax parents I’m getting the vaccine?

    I haven’t been able to get the vaccine since I was underage and in my state minors need parent permission to get vaccinated. I just turned 18 a couple days ago, and since the college I want to attend requires the vaccine I’m thinking of just going ahead and getting it. My mother is forcing me...
  5. B

    how do i (15f) get my little brother (11m) to eat properly

    my little brother, who i’ll call “timmy” for the time being, is autistic and has pretty much always refused to eat proper meals because of it. ( as in he’ll eat snacks day and night, and justify it by saying he ate some blueberries or a single slice of turkey lunch meat earlier. ) he’s always...
  6. K

    What's it like having young kids in the age of covid?

    I've always wanted kids, but I'm sick with covid and starting to wonder what that would look like with small kids. My wife and I both just got sick with covid for the first time. I'm on day 8 and still testing positive, my wife got sick when I was on day 5. It seems like with 4-5 people in the...