new parents

  1. C

    Any tips on mentally coping without a consistent routine? (4 w/o baby)

    Prior to having a 4 week old baby, my life was basically dictated by a very strict routine. However since she's been born, I've had no routine and it's really affected me. I think the main thing is that I just don't feel ...well, I guess I feel constantly out of routine. And because I feel out...
  2. J

    Support and Love Needed

    My wife and I have had quite the journey. Previous post history will show it’s been a tough one. Found out we were pregnant last year. Beyond excited to be a first time dad. Our excitement for the best of us & we went into an ultra sound before our schedule doctors appointment. The tech directed...
  3. S

    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    My niece and nephew were born 3 weeks apart in May. Because their birthdays are so close they always have a joint party. The problem is that this year their parents have chosen Mother’s Day as the day of their party. I’m conflicted because I feel obligated to attend their party and help with the...
  4. C

    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    Just curious to see if anyone tracks or still tracks? View Poll
  5. P

    raising gen “beta”

    just wondering if any new parents are having thoughts about raising the next generation! we’ve seen gen z grow up with varying levels of internet access - from use of the home desktop to having personal phones and tablets in later childhood and teen years (i am older gen z - 99 - and expecting...
  6. S

    Graduated Wednesday!

    Wednesday at 5:51pm my wife and I welcomed our son into the world. He is our first. He’s is perfect! He was born at 38 weeks 1 day! Weighed 7 pounds 9 oz. Measured 20.5 inches long. I’m so happy and so in love with him. But boy is the paranoia real! I feel like I’m always checking his breathing...
  7. S

    Some tips to deal with colicky and fuzzy babies!

    Our son have had the worst colic, mostly during the nights the last few weeks and I just wanted to share with you what have helped for us to maybe help some of you out. Changing diet, cutting out dairy and kale completely Baby in squatting position, leaning on the knees while parent laying on...
  8. R

    Gender Reveal

    Trying to get a gauge here. Did y’all wait for the birth to find out gender or did y’all do a reveal or have the doctor tell you? Wife is gung-ho on not finding out until delivery and I’m starting to think I’m onboard with waiting too.
  9. I

    My 9 1/2 month old doesn’t want breastmilk anymore. Help?

    Hey everyone Is it okay if at 9 and a half months my son doesn’t want breast milk during the day? Only at night? I work so I pump and his dad usually bottle feeds him but recently within the last 3 weeks he’s stopped. He will eat solids and drink water from the same bottle but not the...
  10. L

    How to make your Son(s) resent and hate you

    Hello, this is a son. I have a father. I resent every inch of his being. He fucked up my whole life to begin with. Here is how. A) Get a kid to gain citizenship. And/or Social Status. Like seriously. Don't you think we dont see and feel your real reasons? The whole dynamic is "what can this...
  11. N

    Changing table necessary for pack and play?

    I'm looking at pack and plays for my 6 week old and am a little overwhelmed by the many options. I plan to use the p&p as a safe place for our newborn (and eventually a toddler) in the living room. I see there are p&p with a bassinet, but also p&p with a bassinet and changing table. I have a...
  12. U

    Baby doesn’t growl

    I was just FaceTiming with a friend, and she showed me her 4 month old growling. I looked it up and it said babies will growl starting at 4 months, and mine has never done that. She squeals and makes m and b consonants, hasn’t babbled yet. She’s going to be 8 months old next week. Is this...
  13. K

    Solo trip w/o wife @36wks: good or bad idea?

    Strictly hypothetically speaking, for a friend: your wife is preggo at 36 weeks. Doctor says don’t travel outside city. But your good friend has a wedding that weekend 5 hours away. Do you: A. Leave wife behind to attend wedding alone, B. Insist wife comes with because it’s a doable drive and...
  14. D

    8.5 months old more sleepy than usual. Anyone? Im so worried PLS HELP

    My 8.5 months old seems to be tired and extra sleepy for the past 2 days. She’s taking longer naps and even in between she’s not much energetic. She’s playing babbling everything but not like she used to and is also extra clingy. She still has no teeth and is showing all signs of teething but...
  15. S

    Questions About the Baby Formula Shortage

    Hey everyone! I am currently doing an in depth research report for the University of California, Davis about the US shortage on baby formula. We are studying the root causes and wanted to get some real information from parents. If you have a second please fill out our survey so we can better...
  16. T

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    Had no idea which flare I should have used for this, so I apologize if it doesn’t make sense. I’m still in survival mode, ya’ll. My 2mo is well fed. He’s clean. He smiles at others. He interacts with his environment. His sleep is not the greatest, but it’s getting better. But when people ask...
  17. C

    How much are you playing with your baby?

    My baby is 3 months old (9 weeks adjusted age due to prematurity). We do tummy time, high contrast cards, listen to music, sometimes I told her while I dance, read books, etc. I love my baby. She’s great! And cute! We coo at each other! But omg I cannot do all these things with her for her...
  18. L

    Is our nursery dark enough? (Black out curtains)

    FTM. Having babe in a couple weeks. Is our nursery dark enough? I realize our curtains are not completely black out. I do have a set I like less that are much more blackout. I kind of like the orange lighting these bring, but it’s not dark as night lol. (Nursery is not finished yet) nursery...
  19. D

    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    My 9 mo old son has horrible diarrhea and a bad diaper rash. He’s also teething. He’s miserable and in so much pain. I gave him some Tylenol, put him in a baking soda bath then put some towels down in front of the TV and put Ms Rachel on for 90 minutes so I could air him out. And give me a...
  20. T

    9.5 months - starting the transition to 2 naps

    My son is a terrible napper. It’s usually 30 minutes. We’re lucky to get an hour here and there. Normally we wakes up between 530 and 630 to start the day. Yesterday he woke up at 730 - this hasn’t happened in god knows how long. I did the math in my head and 3 naps wouldn’t work - even at 30...