let's chat

  1. D

    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    Kind of a rant, kind of a “what would you do?” I did cloth with my older child from 7 months old when I discovered it until almost 3 when she grew out of them. She’s autistic and has been in pull ups since, turning 6 in a couple weeks. I’ve been back and forth on that one bc buying big...
  2. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    Hello cloth diaper fam! I have a few questions on the logistics of cloth diapering a newborn. I am still pregnant and have lots of time to figure out and learn more but I am very excited to begin. I am open to advice please!! I am hoping to cloth diapering from birth. I was thinking of getting...
  3. K

    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    I joined the r/sleeptrain community around this time last year, as a desperate FTM to a then 4mo navigating sleep training, the 4-3 transition, PPD, and the whole shebang. It’s been a crazy journey. I talked to countless parents here over the year to learn, exchange tips, have friendly...