let's chat

  1. J

    Why don’t more people use wool?

    Maybe I’m underestimating how challenging wool will be to take care of? I don’t see much about wool anywhere though! It just seems like it makes more sense to me from a health and environmental standpoint.
  2. D

    Travel tips for 100% cloth

    I know most people recommend using disposables for travel but I’ve never used them and don’t really want to start now. I’m committed to cloth so looking for travel tips from those who have also used cloth on big trips! We live in Hawaii and are doing a mainland tour to visit family for almost 3...
  3. T

    Help me decide-pregnant & planning

    I’m currently expecting, 22 weeks now, and I’ve been starting to build a stash for when baby arrives. I do have some cloth experience with my older son, but we didn’t start until he was almost a year old. We (really, I) used prefolds/boosters and OS or size 2 Thirsties covers. Because he was...
  4. B

    Baby was born early and the new born size 0 diapers are tiny bits too big

    Still patiently waiting for babes to grow a little bits in order to fit into the cloth diapers finally. So excited to use them & afraid at the same time, since I have been using regular diapers for the past two weeks due to baby being tiny tiny tiny :/ I hope she and us can make the switch...
  5. R

    Which is more important: sufficient sleep pressure or getting ahead of overtiredness?

    I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I run into this problem so much, I figured I'd ask the above question. An example, my kid had a crazy day and ended up having a late 2nd nap today (4pm-4:30pm). He's 10months old and normally has a 4hr ww before bed, but he only napped 1.5 hours for the...
  6. N

    PLS sleep group

    Has anyone participated in a Precious Little Sleep, baby sleep club? I think it is newer, but wondering if it’s worth it $350 for 4 weeks https://www.preciouslittlesleep.com/baby-sleep-club/?fbclid=IwAR1s0hqy8bZ4ZA1BcVlM5PzktI_xZ28tC6sCaD3z1TS-y2CA1mQzAEYru_Q
  7. D

    Branddddd new and would love feedback on my plan!

    Hi! I’m brand new to this and will be a FTM this spring. I never thought I’d cloth diaper and thought about it at the very beginning of my pregnancy but wrote it off since we live in a rental with a very very small space. Here I am halfway through and I’m really thinking I want to do this! I...
  8. T

    Me again! NB to 6mo stash review! ⭐️🌈

    I’m collecting for our little one due in February! I think I have everything I intend for the first 6 months or so. Anything I’m missing?? Obviously, size 2 Thirsties and baby wipes are needed yet. Input appreciated :-)! -newborn prefolds (12) -newborn workhorse (4) -newborn all in one (22)...
  9. A

    What do your babies wear to sleep

    What do your babies wear to sleep? My LO is 5 months and he’s been in sleep gowns since about 3.5 months when he started hating the swaddle. He likes to sleep with his arms up and now he’ll sleep on his back, side and tummy. What do you put your LO’s in to sleep? For reference, it’s about...
  10. S

    Prefolds for newborns

    Hi! What brand of newborn prefolds do you recommend to go under a newborn cover? I bought some used (unsure of brand) and they don’t fit our baby. They are 10.5 x 9 prepped and the 9 is way too small to fit around her waist. The small sizes I got are way too big and long. She is 3 weeks and...
  11. T

    Sleep Q&A with a PhD sleep researcher who is on board member of the Pediatric Sleep Council

    Hi! I posted here a few weeks ago asking for help with feedback on a product my partner and I invented over the pandemic - we got such an amazing response we wanted to do something good to give back. We’ve managed to get a PhD sleep researcher (who is also a professor, clinical behavioural...
  12. L

    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    This sub includes a preponderance of posts that sound like this: My baby didn't sleep, I had no idea about sleep training, then I discovered it, implemented it, and on the third night they tucked themself in and slept twelve hours. Now I have my life back. If that's you, I'm happy. But I asked...
  13. D

    Alva baby diapers question.

    I’m new to cloth diapers so I don’t know all the lingo. I’m using Alva baby diapers they are the kind that you insert a pad into a pocket so they pee on the cover and it has to be washed every diaper change. Each diaper came with two inserts each. My babies (twins) are 7 weeks old am I supposed...
  14. K

    Destash Q?

    Hi all, I have a LOT of diapers that I have been gifted. I like some, but some of them I would like to sell for other people to enjoy. I have posted on FB cloth pages and I never get any bites. I feel like most of those buyers want specific prints/brands, whereas mine are more solid colors and...
  15. L

    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    Baby is 8 months old/18 lbs, and we are just now getting back into cloth diapers after a short break due to our childcare situation. We started out using Thirsties Duowrap covers with a mix of prefolds, a few flats, and preflats, and that worked great for the early days. We also have some...
  16. M

    Preflat Material

    Hey, y’all! I recently started trying out preflats after being too apprehensive to try them and found out I actually dig them quite a bit! They’re so soft and trim. I was wondering, are they easy to make? Can I make them with a regular sewing machine or do I need a special machine? Where can...
  17. J


    me again. i’m curious about the green mountain clotheez workhorses - i know people have commented on my posts before and ive seen them mentioned around the sub - and im possibly looking into getting some to try and see if ill like them more than my pockets and AIOs. couple q’s: how many of each...
  18. C

    Diaper rash is inevitable

    Pediatrician says that diaper rash is unavoidable with cloth as moisture is held to the skin. Please help me get some perspective. Is there not bound to be some light redness with either cloth or disposable? How much redness is acceptable? Six months. GroVia hybrids user. ETA Thank you all...
  19. K

    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and planning on cloth diapering. Our washing machine was 18 years old and died in grace. She was washing fine up until the end and had to be repaired only once. But ultimately the on-switch completely broke off. I called the repair company and they said this part...
  20. D

    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    Kind of a rant, kind of a “what would you do?” I did cloth with my older child from 7 months old when I discovered it until almost 3 when she grew out of them. She’s autistic and has been in pull ups since, turning 6 in a couple weeks. I’ve been back and forth on that one bc buying big...