formula feeders

  1. G

    Anyone’s baby have bad reaction to bubs goat milk formula for 0-6mon or stage 1?

    My baby seems to have a lot of gut issues whether it’s gas’s or trying to poop idk she constantly has these struggles. She cannot nap or sleep without me because of her struggles so I switched to this goat milk formula thinking a milk protein allergy because my first had this, second didn’t...
  2. V

    I’m stressing out and I don’t know how to fix/help my LO’s eating

    FTM here, and my baby will be 5 months old on June 25. She’s already petite according to the charts, behind on height and weight for her age. The pediatrician told us to try to aim for 28-32 oz a day up from 22-26oz and for awhile it was doable. She was eating 5oz every feed like every 3.5...
  3. L

    Why do other people care so much about what I feed my baby?!

    Found this sub in my search for people who believe fed is best. I have a 9 week old little boy who is now exclusively formula fed after breastfeeding and pumping didn’t work out (and for once, I don’t feel the need to explain why it didn’t work out and everything I tried) From the minute I was...
  4. E

    Formula Feeding

    Any other moms exclusively formula feeding? Is it normal to feel guilt about not breastfeeding even though my girl is growing well and it’s allot easier on myself? I do always feel a close connection with her but I just hope I’m doing everything ok. 19 f 2month old f
  5. S


    Abbott has finally agreed to restart production in the next two weeks. By 8 weeks from now Similac will start hitting shelves again!! Formula Savior!
  6. D

    8W old o my eats 2 ounces every 2-3 hours

    Basically what the title says. She used to be breastfed since birth but we recently switched over to strictly formula feeding for my own mental health. She was born 7Ib3Oz and a week ago at a doctors visit she was almost 11. She fusses A LOT and sometimes will scream at feeds. It’s like she’s...
  7. C

    Random questions about formula feeding!

    Hi, i’m 2nd time mom, but decided to formula feed this time. I breastfed last time so i have 0 knowledge about formula feeding… i just have a bunch of random questions… What is the benefit of RTF for the first few days? Any cons of starting babe on a powder formula instead of RTF from day 1...
  8. R

    How much formula for 6.2 kg 3 month old?

    At it suggests feeding my baby 150ml per kg, which is 930ml for my 6.2 kg baby. The formula manufacturer at says to give 150ml 5 times a day...
  9. P

    8.5 week old eating less

    So my LO who's 8.5 weeks old seems to be eating less. He would generally take 3 oz every feed but now is back to 2 oz and only drank 2 oz once in the night at 3.30 am. He's due for vaccination next week but I'm worried if something is wrong. He's combo fed with formula being fed majorly. Any...
  10. A

    Ok what’s the right answer here? I’m sick of seeing so many conflicting things

    I know many people just add formula to tap water but I’m going to add it to boiled and sterilized water (just my OCD choice) however, it seems like some people say you should add the powdered formula to water that’s at least 158 degrees F to sterilize the formula as well? I ask because there...
  11. L

    Reflux & Formula

    My son has been battling reflux since about 2 weeks old. He’s 8 weeks now. He likes Similac 360 total care but it’s the one that gives him the absolute worst reflux. He’s screaming and crying in pain arching his back tears flowing down his face. We’re also on 0.6ml of Pepcid but It’s clearly not...
  12. M

    Our 16 day old son is an extremely hungry boy. He just drank about 130-130mL of Enfamil Gentlease

    Is that too much?? I just stopped to give him a minute to breathe and he’s still desperately searching my chest for more (sorry bubba, adoptive mom boobs don’t work like that 😕). Our pediatrician said today that 120 ish is fine but I’m wondering if I’m doing something else wrong. We feed him...
  13. W

    Mountain Valley Spring Water for bottles

    Hello, Does anybody use MVSU? My husband only wants us to use MVSW for our daughters bottles, and we've been using it for the past 5 or so months, my daughter will be 7 months next week. I didn't put much thought into it or research because I thought spring water from glass bottles would...
  14. P

    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    Sorry I just posted yesterday but more questions have arose. 1- I need to FF for many different reasons. I know the parents who BF are judge mental and say “breast feeding is optimal” but I’ve been reading on here and it seems like even some doctors are. I’m very new to this and planning a...
  15. C

    Paced bottle feeding?

    I was watching a video on how to do paced feeding. Video said nipple should never be full of milk. But wouldn’t that mean baby is sucking in some air? And is paced bottle feeding necessary if you are using an already super slow flow nipple like dr brown P or pigeon SS? And is it necessary when...
  16. M

    Can we overfeed our babies?

    I am so conflicted. I’ve been told You can never overfeed a baby. I’m also told by my pediatrician that I am and that I should space out my feedings more. I have a 9 week old. She drinks 5oz (increased about a week ago. We would feed her 4oz, wait 20 or so minutes to see if she was still...
  17. N

    Big 4month old baby - switching from combi to EFF and struggling with volumes and naps

    Hi there I had been primarily breastfeeding my son but for various reasons we have switched to exclusively formula. He’s a big baby (>97th centile for weight) and struggling a bit with what amount to give him, also factoring in the fact he is still on 4 naps (which is working well sleep wise)...
  18. G

    Room temp tap water

    Hi all, Just found this sub. I got nervous tonight because a friend’s baby tested positive for lead – I realized that I have often made formula for my 7 month son using room temp tap water and now I am scared that I have inadvertently exposed him to lead (have since read that risk of lead is...
  19. L

    How to know baby is thriving with certain formula?

    My LO has been battling reflux and now GERD since 6 weeks and was on Pepcid for a month and now on Nexium. He was diagnosed with cow’s milk protein allergy and I had to cut out soy and dairy (I feel horrible because I honestly mess up sometimes and forget and I’ll have a bite here and there of...
  20. S

    Kendamil 0-6 vs Kendamil 0-12

    My son is 15 days old and was on the 0-6 months organic version of Kendamil when he got home from the hospital and doing really well. I bought this one a while back before he was born but unfortunately it’s no longer available at Target. Now we’re using the 0-12 month version and he’s a lot...