child psychology

  1. J

    my nephew was caught stealing

    Hi, I am 33M living with my fam since CoVid hit. My brother is MIA (almost 2 yrs) and I live with his 2 kids (8yo nephew and 3yo niece). Their mom is a waitress and is often out. I work from home so I think you get the picture. Also, I'm gay, so no funny business with the sis-in-law, don't...
  2. A

    infants dad is deploying overseas

    My daughter is 12 weeks old tomorrow. Her dad is active duty military and is going on a mini-deployment. It's very rare that we get asked a preference for deployment date, but it's happened. The 2 options are for him to leave when she's 5-8 months, or 8-11 months. Is there a developmental or...
  3. R

    Help for a violent child

    Hello, I'm in desperate search for help. I'm a nanny of three and I'm worried about the oldest child. For confidential purposes the kids in my care are A (5 year old), B (4 year old), and C (1 year old). To start I've been a nanny or babysitter for about 7 years off and on. I've taken many...
  4. Y

    Guidance on a child’s welfare?

    Someone I know -let’s call her Amanda- (who has legal guardianship over their niece) has been verbally, emotionally and sometimes physically abusing her own child(3) and the niece(13). The niece recently showed us pictures and videos as proof. 4 or 5 videos- all on separate occasions -of deeply...
  5. C

    I’m having a hard time being a step dad

    So before I go into things to deep. I am 31 years old and a male. My wife is Latina and from Peru, we have 3 kids 2, and 3 and then my step son J is 8 turning 9 and ever since my daughter turned about 3 years old. My step son and I have not been able to communicate effectively. He used to call...
  6. E

    8 year old pooping pants

    Hey there, I’m really looking for some advice for my almost 8 year old who still poops his pants. This has been an issue for about 4 years. He was fully potty trained and I think around 4 we started dealing with encopresis (chronic constipation). We treated that with keeping him clean with...
  7. H

    Is my sister on the spectrum? Or developing slower?

    My sister is 12. I am 10 years older and moved out of the house about a year ago. When I lived at home I thought she was just a awkward goofy kid. She has stayed with me at my house for a week now and I am beginning to wonder if it’s something more as ASD runs on one side of my family that I am...
  8. H

    Is this neglect?

    Sorry for posting frequently. I just need to know. When my mom and dad were a young married couple and I was a few months old, we lived with my uncle. We stayed in his basement. My uncle has told me that one night, he heard me crying for hours. Finally, he went downstairs to see what was...
  9. R

    12 year old Clinginess

    My daughter is 12 and is the type of person who doesn't like being alone. She always wants to be with a friend/friends. She also tends to cling to certain people for certain periods of time. Example: she'll hang out with Friend A for months, then meets a new Friend B and shifts to always wanting...
  10. A

    I’m a liar and I want to stop. What started as a survival mechanism is now a full blown problem

    I’ve picked up this habit of lying. It been a survival mechanism for years and I’m afraid it’s showing up in too many areas of my life. I could post my AITA situation but I already know I’m the asshole. I’m potentially causing a lot of people harm (un-intentionally) but through my single lack of...
  11. R

    My 10y/o niece is a bit of an airhead/ditz. How can I help her think for herself?

    TLDR: My niece is likable and friendly, good at performing arts, but is a bit ditsy. She can’t think/imagine for herself. If she’s at home and with just 1 other person to “entertain” her, she always has to ask that person, “What can we do?” She can’t come up with something from her own...
  12. R


    Help. My son will be 5 soon. He’s a good kid. He’s affectionate, kind, generous etc… but at his preschool.. they say he has temper outbursts and screams, or throws toys or chairs and hits other kids. This isn’t an all day thing… and He has days where he is good and doesn’t do anything, but once...
  13. S

    How to handle my sister who struggles with learning and thinks life gets easier after Highschol?

    Hi everyone, i just wanna rant some things here... So my Grade 11 sister transferred from a “traditional“ school to Homeschooling last month because we were supposed to move to Thailand for 2 years. But because of the travel restrictions, only my mom was able to go there (her quarantine is...
  14. W

    Helping my 4yo cope with the death of her grandpa

    9 months ago my dad suddenly passed away. My daughter and I were very close to him. He was actually living with us at the time and my daughter had gotten very used to seeing him every day from the time he woke up to the time she went to bed. She’d go down in our finished basement where he was...
  15. G

    Intermittent fasting with toddler

    Not sure which sub is appropriate for this, apologies if it is not here. I am about 3 months postpartum with kiddo #2, my first is 27 months (almost exactly 2 years apart). I’ve been struggling with losing the weight and feeling good about myself. One of the things that worked for me in the...
  16. E

    My partner and I do not agree on how to handle a temper tantrum 1yr son

    I believe that u shouldn't take away affection or comfort when a child is having a temper tantrum. He believes it's best to ignore the child when they cry out. This troubles me. He says he has helped raise a bunch of his family members and 'knows for a fact' this works. I only have this...
  17. X

    Friend’s 8yo son fake falls when around peers, why? And how to address it?

    My friend (f) has a son (8) who routinely falls down and plays dead when playing with friends. Example, the soccer ball comes to him and he pretends it knocks him over and he’s out cold… At first this was seen as silly and just a schtick he come up with for giggles, but it’s gone on now for two...
  18. A

    Red flags of toxic stress in my 4 year(5 in July) granddaughter

    There is a lot of history to try and break down without getting wordy. I think the easiest way to explain is to start with today and work backwards. Here goes: 6 am this morning I wake to a text and could only really see the words “mom, I need help, and call me” the rest was to blurry to make...
  19. E

    What's going on with this 7 year old boy!?

    I work as a wellness teacher at a boarding school. Back in 2020, a 5 year old boy was sent to boarding in the month of March. His family history is vague but I heard that the mother was going through a divorce. So, the boy stayed here for 2-3 weeks and then national lockdown was declared, so he...
  20. G

    sibling help

    this is really random but I am super concerned about something. My younger sibling ( 7 y/o F ) who is over a decade younger than me and only eats sugar and junk. the kids at her school bully her for her weight and i am just concerned because it only gets worse with the amount of junk my parents...