baby names

  1. L

    Name help for baby #2

    My first name begins with “A”, husband’s name begins with “B” and our first son is Caleb- so we are ABC and we thought that was fun when we named our first son! It’s suuuuper early in my pregnancy but it took us a lottt of time and stress to name our first, so I want to get an early jump on it...
  2. C

    Good or Bad

    What does the name Tillie Mae sound like for a black child? To me (59F) to conjures up Southern oppressed women..i.e. slaves/maids...thoughts?
  3. R

    Boy names with a V

    Hi all, my sister-in-law is pregnant with a surprise third and she’s looking for suggestions to help follow a lightly followed rule. Her first girl and boy are names Ava and Oliver. Both have nature-related references (little bird and olive) and both include a V somewhere in the name. If #3 is...
  4. S

    First name to go with middle name “Donald”?

    Siblings Charlotte and Anderson, would like to fit well with those but not start with a C or an A. Last name Pittman, so names starting with P are also out because we’d like to avoid any PP initial jokes. Any help is appreciated 😅
  5. F

    Conflicted on the ordering

    Note - surname ends in N View Poll
  6. C

    Middle Ground for Imogen and Evangeline

    My fiance and I are planning on TTC soon so naturally, as a planner, names have been a frequent topic of discussion. Girls names, to be specific, as boy's names seem to come easy for us. He named our firstborn, Arthur, so I'm supposed to get to name the next one. Our next boy name is Augustus, I...
  7. O

    Any nicknames for 'Henry' or 'Miles'?

    First child, looking for boys names. Last initial is 'W'. Trying to not miss any good (or unfortunate) nicknames.
  8. S

    Baby name help!!

    My daughter’s name is Beverley, I’m expecting another baby soon and I’d like to find a name that goes well with hers. We’re not sure of the gender yet so any suggestions would help! Having such a hard time finding names that sound good. Into older style names!
  9. A

    K or C names ending in ie, ee or y

    My girlfriend and I are still struggling to find names for our twin girls being born TODAY lol. We have a 1 year old daughter named Kylie, and we would like to stay with K’s or C’s as the first letter and ending in ie, ee or y. We’re basically dead set on the name Kamrie, spelled also Kamry or...
  10. A

    Desperate help with N name for baby girl

    We’d like to name our daughter a name start with N and end in A. But there are not many options. Please let me know your vote and feedback: Nora (too common so probably no) Nika (we got some feedback that is too close to n world) Nava (we really like it, worried regarding the pronunciation...
  11. I

    Second child name suggestions for mispronounced surname

    I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant with our second child. The period between our 12 week dating scan and our 20 week scan where we can find out the baby’s gender seems to feel never ending this time round. With our first child we had lots of name suggestions by now and ones we were keen on. I...
  12. K

    Thoughts on Elijah Leviticus K.?

    Too biblical? We are catholic but not go-to-church-every-sunday Catholic. And his cousin’s Levi, but thought of Leviticus years before he was named. As well as your thoughts, other L middle names please! Similar to Luke, Lucas and Leviticus? Saying this in advance because I know it’ll happen...
  13. B

    7 month old needs a name (please be respectful/supportive...and help!)

    Our beautiful baby girl is 7.5 months and still without a name. Please be respectful and supportive...and help, as this is very vulnerable for me! Getting some feedback will help me get out of my head and gain alternative perspectives on how I'm weighing my different values/wants for her name...
  14. G

    middle name(s) for Lottie

    View Poll
  15. E

    First name to go with my phallic-sounding last name

    This past September my wife and I were blessed with our first child, a girl. I make this post because for the whole time before we learned the gender, we were brainstorming name ideas of course, but we never settled on a name if she were to have been a boy. One of the obstacles we faced was...
  16. V

    Middle name Murray. Which first name?

    This is our third son. We're leaning really hard toward one name, have been since the beginning (I'm due in less than 6 weeks). But for some reason we can't commit. This is my last baby, so it's possible I'm just not ready to be done, and that's why we can't make it official. But maybe it's just...